Chapter TwentyFour

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"I love you." He whispers in my ear as he slides out of me and disappears out of Nathan's room and into the bathroom. I pull the duvet up to my chest, covering my naked body with a satisfied grin on my face. I don't know what's happening to my body but when I came over to Nathan's an hour ago only to find him gone but Luke here, swimming around in the pool, muscles flexing, water droplets dripping down his chest as he jumped out of the pool to greet me just sent me on a wood frenzy. I don't know if it's me or if it's because I've already finished the second book of the Fifty Shades Trilogy.

It's been three days since I was at the hospital with Sean and in those three days I have barely seen the boys. I've had text messages from them, telling me the random things they're doing. Working at the Diner. At the hospital. Assignments. Training. They also checked up on me which I loved. Phone calls from North. Silly picture messages from Gabriel. Random texts saying 'I love you' from all of them, which I love.

In those three days I have been lost in the second book of the Fifty Shades. I had just dropped it off at Erica's, swapping it for the third when I decided to come over to Nathan's, more for something else to do instead of sitting in my own silent house. I wasn't expecting anyone to be here so it was to my surprise when I saw Luke in the pool which sent me into a crazy frenzy, throwing myself at him which then led to an hour of passionate love making.

I wish I could understand my hormones but I don't. When I think of my boys, I find myself clenching my thighs together, biting down hard on my lip. I'm driving myself crazy.

I look up when Luke emerges from the bathroom, still naked. I let my eyes gaze over his toned chest, arms and abdomen, before lingering on his limp penis, cock...dick. I'm not sure what to call it. Nothing sounds right. He chuckles, causing me to look up at him, my gaze locking on his. He's smirking at me. "I love that you're checking me out but you really need to stop otherwise I'll never get back to the Diner."

"You were at the Diner?" I ask.

He nods his head and slips on a pair of pale blue jeans that have a few holes in them -Commando! I can't deny that I love that-before making his way to me. He sits down on the edge of the bed, pulling my hand into his. "Yeah. I had worked the early shift. Uncle didn't want me back until the afternoon shift." He looks at Nathan's alarm clock. "Which is in half hour."

I look over at the clock, noting that it's almost three thirty in the afternoon. Luke must have done the five - eleven shift that Uncle classes as the morning rush. Looking back at Luke I smile at him. "You better go then."

Luke gets up and starts getting dressed just as my phone starts ringing. I reach over for it and smile when I see it's Silas. This is one person I have barely spoken to as he has been laid up in bed with the sickness bug. North got over it pretty quick. "Hello." I say into the phone. Luke looks over at me, raising an eyebrow in question. I sign to him 'Silas'.

"Aggele Mou. I've missed you."

"I've missed you too. How are you feeling?"

"Much, much better actually." He pauses for a brief moment. "Are you busy tonight?" He asks.

"Nope. Not busy." I sit up in bed and resting my back against the headboard. I flinch a little at the cool contact. "Why?"

"Fancy spending the night at my place?" His question catches me off guard. I've never spent the night at Silas' before. His older brother being the reason why. "My brother won't be home tonight and I really, really want to see you."

"I want to see you too." I smile huge into the phone. "Yes. I would love to Silas."

"Good. North is finishing up at the Diner in a couple of hours. He'll come pick you up and bring you to mine before he goes out on an assignment."

"That sounds great. I'll see you soon, Superman."

"I love you Aggele."

"I love you too." I tell him before hanging up. Luke comes over to me and gives me a kiss. "Love you."

"Love you more." He murmurs against my lips. I watch as he strolls towards Nathan's bedroom door. Before leaving though, he turns back to me, grinning. "Always."

"Forever." I shout to him, my voice cracking as I shouted to him as he was already out the door before I said it. When I hear the front door close, I scramble out of bed, not caring about my nakedness and stroll into the bathroom. Placing my phone on the floor by the bath on a red towel, I then lean over and turn on the taps, adding the bubble bath that Gabriel has let here for me at Nathan's. It smells like strawberries. I collect everything I'll need round the bath. Razors. Towels. Shampoo. Conditioner. Body wash. And then climb into the lukewarm water letting out a small sound of pleasure and contentment.

Leaning back so my shoulders are under the water and lots of bubbles covering my nakedness I relax, smiling. When the bath is full, using my feet I turn off the taps. I'm not sure how long I was lying there but it couldn't have been more than ten minutes before my phone dings. I reach over the bath for a towel, drying off my hands before reaching for my phone. I grin when I see it's North. Opening the message I look at the picture he has sent me. It's a picture of Luke walking lazily into the Diner, his hair mussed and clipped back with one of my old clips and tucked behind his ear. His pale blue shirt only has two buttons done up and his jeans hang low on his hips. But what catches my attention is the huge happy, satisfied grin on his face.

North: Sang Baby, why does my brother look so happy and satisfied?

I let out a small laugh before bringing up my camera and holding it up in front of me. I don't know what possess me to do it but I do indeed take a picture of myself in the tub. My hair hangs loose at the back of my head in a ponytail, the tips wet where the water has hit them. My green eyes are bright as I look through my lashes to the camera. Skin flushed. Lips swollen. I also didn't realize I was biting down on my lip with my top teeth until I look at it. You can only see my neck -which is now free of love bites- and just a small fraction of my bare shoulders. Other than that you can see bubbles, lots of bubbles. Satisfied with the picture I bring it up in the message before replying.

Sang: Do I need to answer that or does my picture answer it enough for you? ;)

I don't know what possessed me to put a winky face but I did and before I can even debate with myself on whether to send it or not I do. A minute later I get a reply.

North: Fuck Baby, what you do to me.
Sang: What do I do to you, North?
North: Are you really sexting me, Baby?
Sang: If that's what this is called, then yes!

I let out a light laugh. I don't know what has gotten into me. When I was reading the first book, I noticed that Christian Grey and Ana had done this through email but it ended before getting good. I'm feeling devilish and playful and very confident right now. My phone pings with a reply.

North: You do realize that I'm picking you up in less than an hour and a half to take you to Silas' right?
Sang: Very well aware, North.

My phone pings again but this time it's not North.

Kota: Why does Luke look very satisfied? And why does North have a huge grin on his face right now as he looks to his phone?

I laugh and type out a reply.

Sang: I'm sexting. That's what North calls it.

My phone pings. I grin.

North: Baby, Kota almost choked on his drink. Maybe it wasn't the best idea to tell him that we're...sexting.
Sang: Oops.

I type a reply to Kota.

Sang: Sorry!
Kota: ...

I've left Kota speechless. I let out another laugh before dropping my phone down onto the floor on top of a towel. Pulling my hair out of the pony tail, I take a deep breath before sliding under the water.

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