Chapter Forty

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Sang Baby stalks towards me swaying her hips. At first I kept my eyes on her lust filled ones but then I couldn't help but let them drop them as she made her way towards me, swaying them just right, seductively, sexily as she makes her way towards me. When she's close, I was expecting her to sit in my lap but instead she walks around my parted legs that are out in front of me and comes to my side. She bends down and whispers in my ear, "I love you, North Star."

I fucking love you too Baby, I say to her in my head. I know if I open my mouth I'll start losing the control I'm trying to keep reigned in. Slowly, her tiny hand comes towards me, landing right on my chest, her soft delicate fingers starting a stroking motion causing me to growl, clenching my fist under my arms that are folded just under my chest. Doc's going to fucking get it when I'm done. I'm already so fucking hard in my jeans it hurts.

As Sang Baby circles around me, her hand slowly slides across my chest, causing me to growl with every breath I take which is coming out in almost pants. When she comes back into view on the other side, she lifts her leg and lifts it over so she's straddling me. "Drop your arms North." I want to tell her no because I'll end up grabbing her and fucking her so hard right here, she'll be sore tomorrow. Instead and because it's Sang, I drop my arms to my side, unclench my fists and wrap them around the legs at the top of the chair behind me, clenching the wood in my hands...hard.

Both hands are now on my chest. She starts swaying her hips over me to the beat of the music, her eyes locked onto mine. Then she lowers herself onto my hard dick, moans and rocks against me. I can't even contain my own moan. I don't even give a fuck that Silas has his phone out capturing ever bloody moment of this. My full focus is on Sang Baby.

I grip the wood in my hands tight as she rocks her core against my straining dick in my jeans, harder and harder, forgetting the beat of the music. Her hands are attached to my chest, slowly stroking the sensitive sweet spot and I know for a fact I'm going to come in my fucking pants like a fourteen year old looking at his first porn magazine. 

She tilts her hips further back and leans forward so her chest is flush against mine, the cups of her bra moving against my nipples with every rock. One hand slips up my chest and then my neck until she's gripping the hair at the nape of my neck and pulling my face towards her. I don't argue or fight, I simply smash my lips against hers and start molding them together, our tongues tangling in a hungry fucking kiss.

Her hips start rocking faster and my hands tighten, positive the smooth wood would probably start cutting into my skin soon.

I'm just starting to feel the tingles going up my spine when the music stops. "Time's up." Doc says, clapping his hands together and then wrapping an arm around Sang Baby's waist and pulling her off me. She whimpers in protest, I simply glare at the good doctor. He grins at me. "Were you about to come in your pants North?" he says way too happily for my liking.

With a grunt, I stand from my hair, stretching out my fingers as I do. I pick up the chair and quickly take it back to the kitchen, my cock hurting like a bitch and begging for a relief. I think I might fucking die of blue balls.


I plop back down on the floor, completely frustrated that the song wasn't longer. I was right there, ready to explode and the freaking music stops. When I hear North grunting and coming back into the family room, I snap my eyes away from the iPod dock, not even realizing I was glaring at the electronic equipment.

When turning my head to North, I grunt when I see the amused expression of my boys. When I look at North though, I'm glad to see him just as frustrated as me. "Spin the bottle, Sang Baby." He growls through a clenched jaw.

I nod and leaning forward, spinning the bottle. I smile when it lands on Victor. I look to Nathan to give Victor his dare. "I dare you too...tease, and tease only, Peanut for 90 seconds." I glare, narrowing my eyes at Nathan. I'll remember that.

I crawl over to Victor. "Lay down on your back for me Princess." He says. I nod and follow the order, laying down flat on my back. I look up to Victor's blazing eyes and then the small tint on his cheeks. He hovers his body over mine before looking up. I turn my head to look at Nathan and watch him as he starts the 90 second count down on his phone. Victor and I both turn back to each other at the same time.

His lips come down gently onto mine, slowly kissing me as his eyes comes up from my waist, his skilled and talented fingers traveling up my ribs at a slow torturous pace, stopping for a moment to lightly tap his fingers against my rib cage as if making a song. Sliding his hand the rest of the way up, he cups me through my bra and starts stroking his thumb against my already puckered bud.

I moan, opening my mouth and giving him access. His tongue darts into my mouth, tangling with my own, my hips bucking underneath him, hitting right where I want him as he gently pinches my bud through the padding of my bra. He grunts a little and rocks his hips as I lift mine, meeting each other before we both pull away.

He breaks our kiss and travels his lips down over my cheek until he nips at the lobe on my ear. "I love you, Princess. I'm sorry." I know he is. I could tell he didn't want to put me through anymore torture but I agreed to the game, soon though, soon I'll be getting the relief I'm desperate for. He kisses down my jaw, my neck and then my chest. He hooks his fingers into the cup of my bra and pulls it down, freeing my breast. Groans fill the room as Victor pauses to look down at it, leaving it to show for everyone to see. His lips wrap around the bud and he gently sucks and nips on it, my moans getting louder and louder the harder he devours my bud.

Then the timer goes off and I whimper in protest, lifting my hand and diving it into his hair, holding him close. He doesn't protest, he simply keeps sucking and nipping.

"You can get off now, Vic. Your time is up I'm afraid to say my friend." With a loud grunt –North must be rubbing off on me- I release Victor and we both turn our heads to see a grinning Nathan.

Victor looks back down at me and covers my breast with my bra. He kisses me on the corner of my mouth and then sits back down. With another grunt, I sit up and move to my space, spinning the bottle in the process. When I sit back down, I see that it's stopped. I follow the neck of the bottle to see where it's pointing. Luke. I look to Silas for my dare. "I dare you, Aggele Mou, to do a body shot, but without the lime and salt, replacing it with whipped cream and strawberries." I grin, this I can do. "But like Gabe with Nate, I have to set it up how I want to." I nod once more and look to Luke. He rolls the bottle in the middle out of the way and lies down.

I pick up my drink and watch as Silas gets the whipped cream, strawberries and tequila. He gives Luke a strawberry and who then puts it in his mouth. He shakes up the whipped cream and starts squirting it down his already bare chest, defined abs, over and in his belly button and then down his happy trail. He unscrews the cap to the tequila and places the shot glass in between the open zipper of his jeans before pouring the tequila into it. Silas screws the cap back on to the bottle and sits back. "All yours Aggele."

"Thank you Silas." I place my now empty bottle on the floor beside me and position myself at Luke's side.

A/N: to hell with it! It's your lucky day! Happy Update Monday! Two more chapters to follow!

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