Chapter ThirtySix

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Sang POV

Sweat is pouring from my forehead and down my back. I'm hot and sticky and I'm pretty sure I do smell too which can't be attractive. The thing that is attractive though I should say who is attractive, is walking a few feet in front me, his back glistening with his own sweat and water from where he had emptied some of his water from his water bottle over his red/brown hair, slicking it back in the process.

With each step he takes, and movement of his arms when he pushes branches out of the way, the muscles in his back flex. Since I have met my boys, I have always thought they were attractive with the perfect hair, perfect eyes and dazzling smiles, I even knew that they were well built but now I look at them all a little differently and seeing Nathan's back muscles flex with his movements is sexy.

I'm not sure why I agreed to do this. I know that Nathan loves nature, so do I actually but it's just too hot to be doing it right now. The sun is beaming down on us as we walk through the woods at the back of our homes and we're only getting shade when we go into the trees which are where we normally go but not today, today Nathan has decided that he wants to stay out in the sun. I can already feel my shoulders burning despite the large amounts of sun cream I have applied after following North's orders to make sure I put it on. My nose already stings when I scrunch it which tells me that it's already burnt.

Why in the world did I say I was bored with swimming? I should have just sucked it up and got on with it or even laid back on the lounge chairs. Nope, I had to open my mouth and say I wanted to do something different.

I stop for a moment scanning the area. Normally Micah, Tom and Derrick are out in the woods so I wanted to make sure we were alone, even if I do remember Tom telling me the other day when I saw him that they were going to a water park on Saturday. Today is Saturday. And they are nowhere in sight. I also know that Jessica won't be around as she is it a friend's birthday party. An idea comes to my head. "Hey Honey."

"Yeah?" He calls over his shoulder not looking behind him, now several feet in front of me. I look around once more quickly before unbuttoning my shorts and letting them slip down my legs. I reach for the hem of my boob tube as Gabriel called it and let it off over my head, leaving me standing in only my panties. I love my confidence.

"Look at me." I tell him, my voice full of confidence.

Nathan looks over his shoulder at first but when he sees me, he spins around so we're now facing each other. His eyes widen and start slowly sliding down my body, lingering on my naked chest and then my bright pink girl boxer panties. I see him swallow. I smirk. "What are you doing Peanut?"

"What would you say if I was seducing you because I want you inside me?" I bend down and pick up my water bottle. I uncap it and then slowly lift the bottle over my chest and empty the warm contents on my boiling skin, letting it trickle down between my breasts and soaking up into my panties. "I'm also feeling a" I send him a wink and I pat myself on the back for being a little bit of a flirt.

Nathan takes a few steps forward, his eyes watching my hands as I slide them under the curve of my breast, gently massaging them in my hands. He brings his lust filled blue eyes up to me. "Feeling a little hot? Or really, really, hot?"

I nod my head gently, my mouth dropping open with a silent moan as I tweak my puckered buds. "Really, really hot. Positive."

"Hmm..." He nods his head in agreement. "You do look really, really hot actually." He smirks. I automatically know there are a few meanings behind those words.

"You want me inside you then Peanut?"

I bite down hard on my bottom lip, my hands still kneading at my breasts. "Yes please." I whisper.

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