Chapter Eighteen

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I park Kota's car up outside of Gabriel's. Victor rang me and asked me to go see Gabe on my way home and tell him he needs to drop off Victor's car as Gabe wasn't answering his phone. I look up at the house and notice that Gabe's light is on in his room but nothing more. His step-mom must be out with her friends like any other normal Friday night. I wish I was with Sang but we still have a few things to confirm and finalize at Victor's about one of the assignments we have been working on.

I get out of the car and make my way to the front door. I knock first and wait for an answer. After a few minutes there's still nothing, so I fish out my keys and let myself in. Closing the door behind me, I make my way up the stairs to Gabe's room. He had the day off and told none of us his plans. Opening his bedroom door, I find why he wasn't answering.

Spread across the bed is Gabe on his back, the sheets pulled high enough to cover him up. Sang is curled into his side, her arm draped over his waist. Gabriel snores softly while Sang just smiles lightly. I love that she doesn't have nightmares anymore.

Taking a few slow steps into the room, ensuring that I'm quiet, I make my way over to the bed. I ignore the bright pink dildo sitting on the bedside table and the condom wrapper. I don't need to guess what they have been up to. It's obvious.

Sitting down on the bed beside Sang, I lightly trace my finger down her face, causing her to stir. Her eyes flutter open slowly and she turns her head in my direction. She grins. "I keep getting caught." She whispers, her voice full of sleep.

I chuckle lightly. "It's fine Peanut. Victor rang me to get hold of Gabe because he wasn't answering his phone. He needs his car." I tell her.

Sang shifts to get out of bed but is immediately pulled back. She giggles. "Where do you think you're fucking going Trouble? Nate, fuck off." Gabe says.

I chuckle. "Vic needs his car dude."

"Don't care. I told him I needed it for the day."

I look over at the clock on the wall. "Gabe, it's nine at night. I'm surprised North hasn't sent out a search party." Which I am. North would have tried to have gotten ahold of Sang by now. The Diner closed an hour ago.

"He's the only one who knows she's with me. I only told him that so he wouldn't worry. Damn it." He buries his face in Sang's neck. She's just grinning. "I don't want to leave you." I hear him whisper. "I want to stay and make slow passionate love with you all damn night." Gabe's hand moves under the cover of the bed. I don't know what he did but it causes her to let out a soft moan.

I close my eyes, willing my dick not to grown hard in my shorts. That sound reminds me so much of last night.

"Nate, you okay buddy?" Gabe's question has my eyes flying open and finding his. He's giving me a knowing look and knows that I'm struggling. My eyes go to Sang and she's biting on her lip, her eyes flicking between the two of us, the green in them looking bright with lust. Holy shit.

I clear my throat. "Yeah...I'm...fine."

Sang holds a hand out to me. "Come here, Honey." I look down at her hand, wondering what she's got planned. I can't deny her, so I place mine in hers. She pulls me to her, her eyes not leaving mine as I inch closer and closer. "Kiss me." She whispers. I nod and quickly oblige. My lips go down on hers and into a slow, sensational, overwhelming kiss. Her tongue tangles with mine. Kissing Sang is like damn heaven, always so perfect.

She lets out a moan, causing me to pull away from her. I look down to find the cover has been chucked off her naked body and to find Gabe who is laying between her legs, his tongue assaulting her like I did last night.

Deciding not to overthink it, I just go with the flow.

A/N: Snog. Marry. Avoid. Celebrity Style. The celebrities below are the ones to choose from. If you haven't heard of them, then just leave their name out. Three per category.

Zac Efron. Ian Somerhalder. Alex Pettyfer.

Chris Hemsworth. Channing Tatum. Kellen Lutz.  

Justin Bieber. Zayn Milik. Daniel Radcliffe.

Don't go far, another update isn't far behind :)

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