Chapter ThirtyOne

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Sean pulls his car up outside of a vaguely familiar apartment building. I look up to the top floor through the car window and spot the windows that belong to his apartment. I have only ever been here a few times and those times were only briefly.

When I texted Sean asking him if he was busy this afternoon to drop me off at my destination he said he was free to do whatever I wanted with a winky face even though I knew he wasn't busy. I had rolled my eyes with a reply saying to pick me up about half past four. After texting Sean, I texted Gabriel asking for his help. Twenty minutes later he was standing on my door step with everything I had requested for him to bring.

Taking a deep breath I turn my attention to Sean. He's grinning like a fool because he caught on straight away to what I was doing. I blushed and told him to be quiet and to leave me alone. "How did you know he would be home all day?" Sean asks.

I had texted and asked all the boys what they were up to over the next couple of days, including Sean and Owen. That's how I know that Sean wasn't busy. I had replies like 'Academy work', 'Shift at the Diner' and 'at home.' Only one response I wanted to know desperately and when he replied saying; At home doing paperwork. I knew this was my chance. "Group text." I tell him grinning.

"You're really mischievous, Pookie."

"I know." I lean over and give him a quick kiss on the lips. "I'll see you later, don't work too hard."

"I won't." He grins even bigger if that was even possible causing my heart to do that small flutter whenever the boys sent a smile my way. "Go get him tiger." I get out of the car and shut the door; the last thing I hear is his chuckling.

Taking in a deep breath again I head towards the apartment building as I shake my keys in my hand. Looking up once more when I reach the steps, I smile and can only hope he stops worrying about work for an hour...or two to spend some time with me. I find the key with the grey rubber thing at the top of the key and slide it in the lock. Turning the key, the door opens. I walk into the building, my heels clicking on the marble floor as I do so. I close the door behind me, making sure to remove my keys before heading over to the elevator. Pressing the button, I wait for a few moments, shuffling around in the clothes Gabriel put me in and said he would enjoy. I believed him.

The elevator doors open and I step in, pressing the button to the fifth floor. I watch as the red light changes from G to number one, to number two and so on.

Finally going green when we reach the fifth and top floor. The doors open and I step out, muttering a thank-you to a teen boy that looks around the same age as me as he and his sister I'm guessing let me by. It doesn't go unnoticed how his hazel eyes widen and start traveling down my body. I'm not going to lie, I like his reaction and his eyes on me, but they are not the ones I want.

The person's reaction I want has steel grey eyes that I can never seem to look away from no matter how desperately I want to.

I walk down the hall until I reach the grey door with the silver numbers 32 screwed onto the door. Finding all my courage, I lift my hand, turning it into a fist and knock on the door.

Owen POV

I sit back on the sofa chucking my pen onto all the white papers across my coffee table. One thing I hate about the Academy is all the paperwork. It always seems to take so long and this is not something I want to be doing on my day off. I would rather be with a gorgeous blonde hair, green eyed angel. Somewhere where I'm happiest.

My phone ringing on the coffee table gets my attention. Leaning forward, I pick it up seeing Sean's name flashing on the screen. Sighing I answer the phone.

"Owen Blackbourne." I say using my usual greeting.

"Why do you do that when you know it's me ringing?"

"I don't know." I tell him simply because I don't. Maybe it's out of habit, I don't know. "What's wrong?"

He chuckles lightly and I automatically know he's grinning. I have been best friends with this man for way too long. Although I won't deny the fact that he is like a brother to me, just like my younger ones. I don't know what my life would be like without them in it and I do not want to find out. "Go easy on her alright Owen? She's a nervous wreck even if she does try and hide it."

I'm confused. "Sean, what are you talking about?"

He chuckles again. "You'll see." And with that he hangs up. I want to call him back, demand him to tell me what he is indeed talking about but something stops me from doing so. I know he was talking about Sang but what I don't understand is why she would be nervous and why I would have to go easy on her.

A knock at my door gets my attention. I look at it, tilting my head to the side, a smile playing on the corner of my mouth. No way, surely not. I stand from my seat and walk over to it. Gripping the silver door handle in my hand, I twist and open the door, my eyes locking onto green ones. "Miss Sorenson." I greet.

"Mr. Blackbourne." She replies with a small smile, a blush covering her cheeks.

I open the door wider. "This is an unexpected surprise. Come in." She nods her head and places a foot onto my hard wood floor causing a small click to get my attention at her feet. Holy fuck. She's wearing heels. High heels. High black fuck me heels. I didn't really pay attention to what she looked like when I opened the door so I can't stop it when my eyes start traveling up the length of her.

The heels she's wearing make her legs look like they go on for miles, even with the grey skirt she's wearing that hits her just above the knee, clinging to her thighs barely giving her room to move her legs. She's wearing a white silk blouse that is tucked into the skirt. Through the light material I can see the faint lines of a pattern on her bra. If I really wanted to, and I do, I'm just respecting her not to, I could take a step towards her and peek down. I mentally scold myself because of my dirty thoughts. With the skirt and blouse she's wearing a grey jacket that matches the skirt. A woman's suit.

When I reach her face again, her beautiful face that has a small blush, I finally register the black rimmed glasses that make her look older than what she is. Her blonde hair is pulled back into a tight bun and she's wearing light coats of make-up.

She I close my eyes briefly and scold my cock for twitching. This is not the time to be a pervert. I have to find out why she's here and what's wrong.

A/N who loves Mr B? How many of you will strangle me if I leave it like this? Haha.

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