Chapter Thirteen

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Fucking shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Goddamn fucking shit.

That's all what's going through my head right now as I walk around the store, looking at clothes for Trouble. She's in this little funk at the moment and I think it's because of Kota because he won't acknowledge what North and Luke have done with Trouble. She's had sex. She's not a Virgin. She is most definitely fucking curious and I can't help but be excited about it.

Anyway, back to topic. Because Trouble is in a funk and so is Kota, it's making me and Victor be in a funk ourselves. We don't like seeing Trouble upset. It breaks my heart every fucking damn time she is and I wish I could make it all better. I know for a fact that she heard Kota shouting at Luke and North when he did because I was just getting out of Victors car outside, arriving to pick them up.

We both had looked at each other and knew that something was going down. We kept quiet as we walked up the stairs because I could hear the taps filling up with water. When we got to Trouble's room, Kota had calmed down and was sitting on her bed with his head in his hands. I had never seen the poor dude so venerable and broken before.

Then I found out what Luke and North had done. I slapped Luke around the head, fucking hard, making sure it fucking hurt like a son of a bitch and then congratulated them. I didn't even try to hurt North because even though he fucking deserved it, I like breathing. I like feeling my heart beat a mile a minute when I'm around Trouble and I would like to share an experience with Trouble like he did. Saying that though, I did send him a glare which he shot right back at me. Asshole.

I start looking around the store for Kota and Trouble, but can't see them anywhere in fucking sight. The store is shit dead today so it's not like they're lost in the crowd. Turning to Victor I say, "Where's Kota and Trouble?"

He shakes his head, a small smile on his lips, "I saw him dragging Sang towards the dressing room." My eyebrow shoots up and a smile form on my fucking lips. Victor sees where my train of thought is going. He shakes his head. "Nothing like that...I don't think anyway. I think they have gone to talk. Hopefully they'll both snap out of their little...moods they're in and then we can actually start enjoying this shopping trip."

"Let's go and check it out. Besides I want Trouble to try these on." I hold up my hand where I have several shirts, skirts and dresses hanging from my fingers on the hangers. Nodding his head, Victor follows me

As we get closer I'm sure my fucking ears are playing tricks on me. Looking at Victor I realize that they aren't because his face shows the same fucking shock. Going to the only closed curtain, I use my finger to pull it away slightly so I can see through the gap and fucking sure enough, there they fucking are. Trouble has her pale legs wrapped tightly around Kota's waist, arms around his neck. Kota is still fully clothed but I can tell that his shirt is open and his jeans -of course his fucking jeans- because they're riding low on his hips, giving a peek of his hunter green boxers.

Kota is pounding into her like a fucking madman. He's grunting, growling and moaning. She's gasping and moaning, whispering something to him. I drop my hand and step back, grinning like a fucking fool while ignoring my strained dick in my jeans. Turning to Victor, I tilt my head for him to get a peek too. His cheeks tint slightly but he does. After a few moments, he turns shaking his head but I'm not dumb, I can see that look in his eye.

All of a sudden, they are both crying out, screaming each other's names. I chuckle lightly, so happy that Trouble is a fucking screamer. I step forward again and open the curtain just as Kota says, "I love you too..."

I can't help myself. "I love you both too, because holy shit, that was hot. I heard your moans, whimpers, groans and growls out here." I won't admit to peeking in. I don't want Kota to get embarrassed.

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