Chapter ThirtySeven

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I walk into Victor's office at his house and sit down on one of the chairs at the table beside Kota. I'm bored with absolutely nothing to do. Kota and Victor are working on some Academy stuff and I hate that I can't be of any help. So far I have played Mario Kart on the ps3, done some reading and even fiddled with Victor's grand piano in his room, remembering when we made love on it. I had to walk away because the memories had me clenching my thighs together but then I ended up in here, thoughts swirling around that I refuse to acknowledge. I can't distract my boys from their work by seducing them.

Kota looks up from the laptop screen he's working on and over at me. "What's wrong Sang?" I shrug in response. "What do you want to do?"

A few things, I say in my head. "I don't know. I'm bored." Why he brought me here I wasn't sure. Kota just told me that he was going to Victor's and said that I was coming with him so we could spend some time together as we haven't spent much time together since the summer started. I didn't realize that they would both be doing Academy work.

I sit back in the chair and put my feet up on the table. The knee length skirt I'm wearing slides up my thigh a little catching Kota's attention. His eyes slide up and down my legs before slowly going up my slouched body, lingering on my breasts before finally meeting my eyes. The green seems a little dark now as his eyes are swirling with lust and want. I suck in a breath and clench my thighs together. "Don't look at me like that otherwise I'm going to have to do something about it." I whisper.

His nostrils flare and his chest is heaving up and down. He nods and moves his focus back to the laptop adjusting himself in his seat to get more comfortable. I sit in silence, watching him as he tries to do some work but his hands shake every time he tries and types on the keys on the laptop. "To hell with it." He mutters, before reaching for me by wrapping an arm around my waist and pulling me to him so I'm straddling him on the chair.

He pulls my head down to his, runs his nose across mine for a moment as we gaze into one another's eyes, before pressing his lips to mine. One of my hands dive into his hair while the other cups around his ear, stroking it softly causing a low growl come from his chest. I smile around the kiss at his reaction. Kota's hand slips under my cami, his large warm hands coming in contact with the delicate skin on my back. I rock my hips gently into him, feeling his growing erection in his trousers. "Kota." I whisper against his lips. "Please."

He stands, causing me to wrap my legs around his waist and arms around his neck. He goes over to the door and at first I thought he was going to walk out with me, work forgotten but instead he locks it, turns around again and places me down on the dragon desk right in front of Victor. I'm sure all the monitors were out a moment ago.

I untangle myself from Kota as he starts trailing kisses down my jaw and neck before pulling down my cami and bra and taking one of my hard buds into his mouth. I gasp which gives Victor the perfect moment to come in and swipe a kiss, his tongue darting right on inside my mouth, stroking against mine. I grip the collars of his shirt with my hands, holding him to me and not wanting to let him go, telling him with my kiss that I need him too.

Kota lets go of my bud and goes over to the other one while hooking his hands into the waist bank of my skirt and slowly sliding it down my legs along with my panties. When Kota pulls away, letting my bud go with a pop, Victor breaks our kiss, reaches for the hem of my cami and starts pulling it up and over my head while supporting up right to take it off. My bra quickly follows.

Lying back down, Victor trails kisses down my navel and to my breasts. He cups them in his hand and start massaging them gently. Because his body is over my face, I start unbuttoning his white dress shirt. Kota slips a finger inside of me while pressing his thumb to my bean. "Oh gosh..." I gasp out.

Started With A Book: Fifty Shades Of Sang (Complete)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora