Chapter 3.5: "The Plushie"

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Hi, my name is Henderson Wigan. At the present time, I'm now 16 years old and very flirty to my opposite gender. In return, many girls like me back but I really don't like them at all.

Either way, I have a past before my new attitude changed. It was about four years ago. I was only 12 at that time. Due to my personality, I look like any other average masculine students. I'm proud to myself that I had a happy normal life with a confident personality. Anyway, it happened during my 7th grade at West Middle School, where this girl and I accidentally met. It was during the first assembly at West Middle School Gym.

I was searching for an empty seat despite many students are almost crowded inside the school gym. When I finally found the empty seat, I hurried until I almost sit at the empty chair... until I felt a bump and heard a girl scream. As I looked around, I knew the source of the scream. She was on the floor afterwards. I felt ashamed as a guy.

To avoid any bad intentions, I stood up and offer her a hand to stand up. "Here. Grab my hand." I spoke.

As she stood up by pulling my hand with hers, we finally looked at each other. We are both surprised at the same time. It's been years since I knew her. She also remembered me.

"I don't believe it! Rylie? Is that you?" she said with her happiest surprise.

"Yes, I am. Um... I think it's kind of embarrassing since Rylie is a female name. Call me Henderson instead." I replied as we both shook our hands.

After that, I let her sit on the empty. She doesn't want it anymore. Oh well. When she doesn't want it, she really don't. In the end, we stand up at the side of the gym. There are only about a hundred chairs at the gym while there are like 400 and more students inside the gym. It can't be helped. Fortunately, my old female friend and I went on talking after that before the school assembly starts. I'm glad her personality didn't changed despite her different look.

That day, our reunion was almost comfortable. It truly brought back memories to us.

Many months passed, I visited her home sometimes with her family. Her home was quite far from school though. Sometimes, my friends and hers were visiting our homes for a celebration and other project meetings.

At our 8th grade at the age of 13, the more I knew her, the more I wanted to get along with her better. She's a very caring person. That was the year that I realized my first love on that girl. Only that I was still pure on love.

Until that Christmas day at our 9th grade, at our age of 14, I met that girl by chance at the street accidentally. I can tell that she just went from a grocery store despite her paper bags she brought at her hands. I suddenly tried to help her to carry other paper bags to lessen her carriage.

"Whoa! Don't scare me like that!" she said with her loud tone. Once again, I feel ashamed as a guy... I chuckled afterwards.

"I'm just passing by." I said. In my inside, I want to slap myself. That was a terrible approach of mine. That day, I have and always wanted to confess all of my honest feelings to her... but how exactly? Never mind was the words in my mind thought before I spoke.

One second later, I said my true feelings to her as I can. Right now.

"I think I like you!" I spoke out to the girl.

I think? Argh! That's not what I meant to say!!!

Until there's a fallen paper bag from her hands, I somehow panicked and tried to reach the paper bag before it touched the floor. As I reached the paper bag, she touched the paper bag also. Our hands are accidentally touched too. And for the first time in my life, I saw the girl has a very pink or may be a reddish cheeks. I wonder what that means was what I thought.

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