Chapter 12: "Beyond The Limits"

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     "...Reese?" Iori said as she got woke up over the lap of a guy on the shore area of the beach.

     Reese Yumina is now a 12th grader at Southeast High, and now graduating this school year. In other words, he is Iori's senior schoolmate by a year. Yet, they're now 17. According to Iori and others' experience, Reese can be somewhat childish sometimes when he's really bored. He is also an instrumentalist at orchestra, rock bands, and now, he's using remix machines as his hobbies. At school, he's famous as playing any instruments only at his 4-member electronica rock band called "Press The Forward".

     Iori's first met with Reese was at the school fair at her freshman year. Reese was a 10th grader back then. It was an accidental first meeting because they were randomly chosen at the surprise couple contest. After that event, they didn't see each other too often because of their classes in each floor at school are in different grade levels.

     Right now, Reese (or the male lifeguard) is trying to be calm even he is slightly blushing. As Iori is now one hundred percent awake, she finally noticed that she's on his lap.

     "W-WHOA!!!" Iori reacted as she immediately sits away from Reese.

     "A-Aray ko..." Reese painfully reacted in Tagalog. Iori truly wonders why did Reese got that painful reaction.

     ...As Iori finally see Reese, Iori got shocked. Reese is now holding his own chin. Iori accidentally hitted Reese's chin using her head.

     "Gosh! Sorry about that, Reese! I'm just surprised!"

     All of a sudden, Reese suddenly halts Iori. "N-No. I'm fine. I know it's only an accident... Ouch. That's really on the mark. Hahahaha..." he said as he checks his own chin if there are injuries. Iori felt a little guilty about this.

     Luckily, in her coat from the pockets, there is an extra band aid. Iori has an idea as she put it out. She put the band aid at Reese's chin afterwards. Reese is now a bit surprised.

     "And... there. That should do it. ...Reese?" Iori suddenly said. As she see Reese's expression, he seems serious somehow.

     "W-What is it?" Reese asked.

     "...Well, you're a bit red right now. I mean, your face is really red." Iori noticed as she stared at his face clearly.

     Of course, with the Iori's long stare, Reese suddenly looks away with more blushes. "I guess it's from your head hit to my chin earlier. So... yeah... Hahaha... Contagious to my face? Get it?" Reese nervously replied.

     "...Hahaha. Right. Anyway, I'm more curious about earlier." Iori suddenly spoke.

     "Go on."

     Iori suddenly stands up afterwards to stretch herself. "...If you were here this afternoon, did you know or even recognize who saved me earlier?" Iori asked.

     "Um... oh. That's... hmm..." Reese answered. Iori is a bit confused about his answer but she have to move on to another clue.

     "...Well, I was accidentally drowned, and someone I know (Nia) told me that... a crossdressing lifeguard saves my life... so I have to truly thank him! I owe him my life!" Iori happily explained with shining eyes. Reese is now surprised about Iori has said.

     Because of her encouraging words, Reese suddenly pulls Iori's wrist down. Iori got a bit shocked by that. At the next moment, she is once again on his lap. Well, her head is on his lap. The rest of Iori's body is on the mat as she lies down.

     "Wha... What was that for!?" Iori loudly reacted.

     Once again, Reese is very serious as he now stares at Iori deeply and passionately. This is the first time that Iori see his new expression.

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