Chapter 23.5: "Brewing Paradise"

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     Hi, I'm Hyatt Sio. Some of you might be thinking from the previous chapter, who is Hyatt? And what is my role as Scout's colleague at Young Mistress' Paradise? Actually, it's more than that. I'm... having too much trouble with a V.I.P. customer few months ago. And this is my love story.

     If you don't know the place, Young Mistress' Paradise is a place where girls who like anime went here for fanservice and butler x master relationship whatever. Every employee has to serve customers, following (or nailing) his anime character's role into a butler position, cooking and mixing shakes and other drinks, cleaning and advertising the sales and events available. So far, it became a huge hit at Southeast Plaza only. Not the whole Southeast area.

     Well, few months ago, after my college hours at South University, it was raining as I go to Southeast Plaza. Of course, I have an umbrella with me. Since my university is near there, I only walk for 15 minutes going to YMP. Yet... still in the plaza, I saw a woman standing at the sidewalk... without an umbrella???

     "What is she standing there? It was raining heavily!" I thought as I stopped walking and looking at her. Right now, I'm looking at her back while she's looking elsewhere from the streets. Is she in a hurry?

     ...It took me for a minute as I look at her as I watch below the roof of the other shop. And I can't take it anymore! That crazy woman!

     In the end, I gave this stranger my umbrella and my leather coat (which I rarely use it anyway). Ugh! I need to go to work on time. I don't have time for this!

     Before I ran away against the rain, I covered her with my coat and hold it to her the umbrella. "Hey. Don't get drenched by the rain. You might get a fever. Bye!"

     Later, as I finally made it to work, my colleague, Uriel Mapa, was a bit surprised and laughing at the same time. "Wow. You're wet. What happened?" he asked me in sarcasm. Anyway, Uriel's anime butler role here is named Neon. Neon's character role is an AI who has different emotions updated on his program. According to our head, it truly fits him. The real him... well, very sarcastic. The good kind of sarcasm.

     I passed by him so I'll go to the staff room. "Don't care. There's this crazy person trying to get drenched in the rain, so I help her."

     He followed me. "Ohoh. It's a she. That's a first. You should've told me."

     I opened the staff room to change my clothes to the changing room. I hanged my drenched casual wear on a hanger for drying. As for Uriel, he's only sitting on a chair. "Do you have something better to do? Like WORK?" I asked him.

     I think he's playing a game on an app. "Don't worry. I'm only resting for 5 minutes. Besides, there's 10 of us butlers. Scout will come later after his school."

     "Yeah. I'm kind of worried about Scout. His friend Trygve told me to take care of him because of his memory. Please look out for him too." I said while I finally wore my butler uniform, only I have to tie some ribbons...

     "Sure. I can do that. But... the way you said about the stranger you met today, I can tell that she might get... you know."

     I rolled my eyes. "Tell me."

     "Fall in love with you or something after for what you did. Or maybe you will fall in love with her." He said. Ugh.

     "What? That crazy woman? No way."

     "Whoa. You don't know her yet. Well, you can describe me what she looks like."

     "I don't care. I was in a hurry. I didn't even look at her... except her back."

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