Chapter 22: "Learning The Truth About Love" (The 4th Elemental Holder's Climax)

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     Before the first exam starts, the students of 11-B all pass their papers backwards. As other papers reaches Wade, he passes it to Iori. "Let's see on how you can do, Iorina Tahari." Wade said as he finally gave her the exam papers.

     After Iori receives the paper, the rain gets so heavy that it became a storm all of a sudden with loud thunderstorms. Getting darker, many rooms in school starts having their lights on. After that, all rooms inside the school had a blackout as another thunderstorm strikes really loud. Some students are now terrified.

     For few seconds, Iori looks in front of her, she was shocked... that Wade suddenly disappeared in a second as the bit of light from the outside hits the room as the thunder strikes loudly. Even looking around, he wasn't there. Iori called Henderson to go outside and find the other holders to find Wade. The next elemental holder. Every thirty seconds, the thunderstorm is getting stronger, while the whole Southeast City have a blackout.

     "Henderson! You know what to do! We have to find him!" Iori said as she goes outside the classroom.

     "Yeah, yeah! Let's go at Trygve's classroom first! Will you!?" Henderson loudly replied as he followed Iori. "Wow! How kindly sarcastic of you at a time like this!" Iori said back.

     As they both reached 11-A, where Gailyn and Trygve are, suddenly, Trygve is already there. The SPS Trygve... who unexpectedly carried Iori. Princess style. Iori and Henderson are both shocked.

     "H-Hey! What are you---"

     SPS Trygve halts them in jinx. "...Somehow, I can sense my own element due to this strong storm. It hits the ground too deep..." he said. Somehow, Iori and Henderson are now curious to what SPS Trygve is trying to say.

     Iori tries to calm down, for now. "R-Really?"

     "Yes. I used my element to protect the ground of the whole city. Because the new holder keeps on hitting the ground whenever there's a large thunderstrike." SPS Trygve explained. As he explained, Iori realized what the real Trygve said at the apartment.

     Reese points the strange mark. "Tada! Only at room 212's doorknob has a slanted black spot at its side."

     "Whoa. He's right. What is that?" Henderson asked.

     Trygve gave his opinion. "I think it's a burn mark. It only happens through electric shock. It looks like it passes towards the inside."

     "...Thanks for your element to protect the ground." Iori replied.

     Henderson is having his arms crossed and looking at SPS Trygve. "Could you put Iori down?" Henderson asked in an annoyed tone.

     "...Nope." SPS Trygve said as he continues to carry Iori away from Henderson. Iori doesn't want to shout anymore as she "rolls" with it. Henderson reacted loudly and runs with SPS Trygve. "YOU SON OF A... AT LEAST LET HER DOWN!" Henderson shouted, almost sweared.

     "I'm going to Reese's classroom. As he ordered." SPS Trygve said as he's still running while carrying Iori.

     Meanwhile, at 11-A classroom, Gailyn calmly observes the three students outside while many of her classmates in class are in fear of the storm. Gailyn secretly sighed.

     "...I already warned him. That idiot 11-B's class president... He really did it this time." Gailyn thought.

     Another meanwhile (lol), at 12-B, where Reese and Hilbert are... well... Reese (in his crossdressing uniform) was hugged by his classmates in class. Of course, Hilbert is trying to cover him, yet he can't because the lights in the class are off as well. Hilbert can't see the class very well. Iori (who is now standing), Henderson (...has no comment), and Trygve (not SPS), are just standing outside while "pity watching" Reese inside the classroom.

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