Chapter 18.5: "Staying On The Line"

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     ...Hi! My name's Wade Bienvenido, the most friendly class president from 11-B, and 17 years of singleness (haha). But I really am. Huhu. By the way, since I'm featured to this chapter of "whatever this story I'm told", I have this gut feeling to tell my story... a story huh... Hmm. What should I tell? ...I know! A story where I can--- Whoa! I don't want to spoil the story. Oops. My bad.

     Actually, I can only tell when I was in my 10th grade, last year. Well, obviously, when I was 16.

     I was only hanging out with my classmates last year... at the convenience store, to wait on the girls from another school, the "A School". Some girls might be our schoolmates. In short... well, let's just say... it's a group blind date. There are 20 of us (10 guys and girls). While waiting, my male classmates and I are boasting each other of who will have the cutest girl. Of course, I have to get along with them... until the topic goes wilder than minutes ago...

     "Team Chest!"

     "Team Behind!"

     "...Why not both? ...Hehe." I finally spoke. It's going very awkward if I wasn't talking though...

     ...and my classmates cheered me on for great answer. Woohoo...

     "Haha! You're so bold, Class Pres!" my classmate said. I smiled afterwards... yeah. I also became the class president last year. Ironic really.

     I replied to him with my usual smile. "It's normal for a guy, right?"

     "Yeah! That's why we've chose you to be the class pres!" my other classmate replied to me.

     For a minute later, the ladies have come. Well, not all of them. Three out of ten girls didn't come though. So, it's going to be 10 guys and 7 girls. Oh well... here comes my classmates becoming predators haha. In short, makes a move to the girls. For me, I'm somehow not interested. I just smiled and greet them like I did to my classmates every day. I ended up with no partner for the group blind date. Well, it was fun socializing with them anyway.

     As we all sit, we talked of course... Until, there's a shy girl standing. I noticed her according to my first impression of her. My male classmate (who currently has no partner for the blind date) suddenly stands up and introduced. Afterwards, she finally sits beside him. I sigh in relief (secretly). Somehow, I want to help her whenever necessary.

     After socializing at the convenience store, we go to the karaoke. Oh no. Haha, I really have a terrible voice due to singing. I'm doomed (lmao). Still, I look at the shy girl again, she was very tense due to making them volunteer her. I sigh again. Please don't let me awkward.

     So, I volunteer to sing instead of her. Since the song is heavy metal (song of my choice), I really screamed while I'm singing as loud as I could. Well, to avoid myself being weird. And all of the students in the room cheered me on until the song is over. I'll never do that again in my life, to be honest.

     The whole plan is a success though. While I was singing, the shy girl escaped (as I whispered her to escape the karaoke room). Then, as the song finishes, I excused myself to go outside for a while... and that's when I saw the shy girl again. She's now sitting on the bench. I lent her an orange juice in a can from the room earlier.

     "O-Oh. Thank you, Kuya Wade." she spoke as she received the orange juice. I sit next to her afterwards.

     I smiled as usual as I reply. "No problem. You must tired communicating with them huh... At least you call me Kuya. Alright, plus points for me!" After my reply, the shy girl laughs softly. I asked again: "Why did you come to us if you're too... you know... not getting with them? Sorry to be rude."

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