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Teddy Lupin and his future wife Victoire Weasley were on the couch watching the potter-weasley clan, plus Scorpius Malfoy. All of their parents were at the Malfoy's house for dinner. Well, I say watching it's more like snogging on the couch. Scorpius, and Albus were playing exploding snap. Rose and Hugo were in a intense game of wizard chess. Louis, Roxanne and Dominique were reading the tales of beatle the bard. Lily and Molly(II) were chatting on the couch. James and Fred (II) were up to no good as usual......

"James are you sure we should be doing this?" Fred(II) asked.
"It will be fine dad left an hour ago and Teddy and Victorie are probably snogging on the the couch" responded James. James laughed at his own remark and so did Fred. James and Fred were in the process of sneaking into James father (Harry Potter) office. They heard that they were holding onto a prototype for something and they wanted to find out. James pulled out his wand and whispered "Alohomora" then there was a small click sound before the door unlocked and James tapped the door and the door creaked opened.

    James and Fred entered looking for something that looks like the thing Harry was talking about. They looked around until they saw in the center of his desk a glass box containing a gold necklace with a round circle and in the circle there was an hour glass. Fred and James looked at each other and approached the strange necklace. Meanwhile down stairs when Teddy and  Victorie finally broke apart Teddy notice how calm it was...then realized that something was wrong... James and Fred were missing. He looked around and tried thinking of the places they could be. Victoria could obviously tell something was up.
"Teddy?" she asked "what's wrong?" Teddy responded worriedly.
"James and Fred there not here-...Harry's office" they both looked at each other and sprinted up the stairs and sure enough there were both James and Fred. James was holding an object up in his hand. It was a time turner. Time turners can travel back in time and it very dangerous, especially since it's only a prototype.

"James!" Teddy shouted causing James to jump and Fred to back away.
"Give me that, now" He said calmly and firmly, slowly approaching James. James could tell by the way Teddy and Victorie where acting that there was something special and dangerous about the necklace.
"Why" James said while spinning it on his finger
"what is it?" He asked while putting a hand on his hip.
"It's a time turner" Teddy said while looking at the doorway to see all the other kids standing in there.
" Victorie get them out" he told her. She nodded and shooed them away out to the hall. "Okay here you go" James said. He started to hand the necklace to Teddy when last minute he threw and yelled
"Fred catch!" Fred was too slow and the time turner crash and smashed on the ground. All the kids came running in to try to stop what's happening. Then suddenly a purple smoke appeared around all of them and they faded away and the last thing they heard was was Rose Weasley shouting "JAMES SIRIUS POTTER I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!"

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