Chapter 9~"Dobby"

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All the older kids/adults were talking about ways to get them back and find them. Me and Hugo were sitting on the couch. Hugo was messing around with a wizard chess board they had, while I was thinking of a way to help. Hugo sighed as he shoved one of the chess pieces like the muggles do. It killed me seeing him like that.
I looked over at Roxanne and Fred(II) as played the most depressing game of rock paper scissor ever. I sighed and looked at Molly, Louis, and Lucy. Louis was asleep on Mollys lap as Molly laid on Lucy shoulder also asleep. Lucy was stroking Louis's hair. I sharply exhaled before standing up.

They may have told me to sit on the couch and let them handle it, but I was going to help in any way. I'm very mature for my age, so I've been told. I was trying to think of the stories dad told me about when he gotten trapped. That's when I remembered something. When Bellatrix held them captive she brought them to Malfoy manor. That's it! They must be at Malfoy manor. That's where they took dad, Uncle Ron, and Aunt Hermione so they have to be there. Hugo gave me a confused look as I ran over to the group. I had to tell them.

I tried to go up to them.

They pushed me away.

I tried saying that I had an idea.

They told me to go sit on the couch.

Harry, Hermione, And Ron gave me guilty looks as I slumped down on the couch. I remember hearing stories about how when dad was younger he was also push away for being to young to be involved, so I could tell there looks we're of sympathy. Victoria mouthed the words sorry before turning back to the group.  Alright we will discuss this more in the morning" Grandma said. Everyone broke up and went up stairs.

When I went into my room with Hermione Ron and Harry followed and closed the door. Then Roxanne, Fred(II), and Molly entered as well. "Alright let's hear it." Ron said sitting down. "Hear what?" I asked. "You're idea," Hermione said, "the one that you were trying to tell us until the adults pushed you away." Hermione said propping herself next to me. "Well I...." as I was about to start Teddy opened the door and sat down next to Hermione. "Go on" he said. I smiled and continued. "I remember something that happened you guys in your 7th year, and I
might know where they are and how to find them." I said. "What happened?" Harry asked sitting next to Ron. "I shouldn't say, it might make it not happen. I said looking down. "We can just use a memory spell, and forget you told us this," Hermione said. "Ok so you get kidnapped by Bellatrix and I remember that she takes you to Malfoy Manor so that must be were they are!" I said. They all nodded. "But the place has a spell on it how are we supposed to get in and out?" Roxanne asked. "Wait a minute!" Molly exclaimed, they way they got out was through Dobby, so we need to find Dobby!"
"But we're not sure they're there," Ron said, and at that moment Mrs. Weasley walked in and said, "aright guys time for bed now" and she walked away. "We will talk about this in the morning" Harry said as everyone exited the room. I slipped into bed, not every bothering to change and went to bed. I couldn't fall asleep, all I could do is stare at the empty bed across from me.....

HARRY'S P.O.V(from the past)
"Crucio!" I saw Bellatrix say, pointing her wand at Rose as she yelled in pain. I sat up from my bed breathing heavily.
"Lily was right,"
I thought in my head. I went over to Ron's bed and shook him awake. "Ron!" I whispered yell. "What?" He said groggily. I told him about the dream I had and we headed to the girls room. We walked in and woke them up and I told them about the dream. "What are we gonna do? We can't let her stay there any longer." Hermione said. "We need Dobby." Harry said. And at that moment Dobby appeared in our room. "Dobby!" We all said. "Mr. Harry Potter, who are your friends?" He asked. "That's not important right now, we need your help. We explain what happened and where they were to Dobby. "Can you help?" Harry asked. Dobby smiled and nodded. "Dobby can help but Dobby can't do it today, or else Dobby will get in trouble, I'm sorry Mr. Harry Potter and his friends." He said while looking down with guilt.  "It's ok Dobby, do you know when you can?" Hermione asked calmly. "Dobby can do it tomorrow night!" We all smiled as Dobby snapped his fingers and vanish.
All we have to do is wait.

I know this chapter is short I'm sorry I promise the other ones will be longer

So do you think their plan will work? Or will something happen before they get there? I guess we will wait and see ;)

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