Chapter 8~"Pathetic"

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It was a blur before we arrived to where I assumed was Malfoy manner. I've been to the Malfoy manor a few times with Albus when we went to visit Scorpius, though it looked very different then it does now. We must of apperated inside. My arms were still being held down by the death eaters. I saw someone who look like Scorp, but realized who it was from old photos.
It was Draco.
Mr. Malfoy and Mrs. Malfoy was there as well. Bellatrix (who I will remind you is still holding Rose by her hair with her wand to her throat) smiled at Mr. Malfoy and said, "may I present to you the future children!" She cheered, removing her wand from Roses throat and extended her arm out to us.  Mr. Malfoy nodded while Draco look shocked and confused. They must not have told him that we were here. I smirked at him. He gave me a glare in return.

"Who are there parents" Mr. Malfoy asked softly. His voice gave me chills. "This one," she said pulling up Roses hair, "Is the Weasleys and that dreaded Mudbloods child." She said in disgust. Draco raised an eyebrow then snorted. His father glared at him and he lost his smile. Those two with the dark hair are the potters boys, he also has a daughter but I decided not to bring her." She said jerking her head towards me and Albus. "And that one," she said pointing her wand at Scorp, "haha, is his!" she said pointing her wand at Draco as his mouth dropped open as his stared at Scorp.

"Hmmm" Mr. Malfoy said in surprise, "If he is like us why do we have him held down?" he asked. "Because in the future Draco becomes good! And so is he!" Bellatrix said, "And he's friends with Potter!" She shouted in disgust. Mr. Malfoy shook his head and glanced at his son with disapproval. Draco kept his head low. "I don't care that this happened in the future Draco, I'm still very disappointed in you, we will have to work on that. He said shaking his head once more before turning back to Bellatrix.

"And guess what! One of potters boys is a Slytherin!" he said pointing at Albus. "So I thought along with Dracos son we make him a death eater!" she said, then she pointed to me "He's for the dark lord, he looks so much like James I thought the dark lord would want to see him" she said. "And her," she said raising Roses head, "I'm going to get some very useful information from her." Mrs. Malfoy stood silently in shock, while Mr. Malfoy stayed silent, staring at us all. I felt another chill go down my spine.

"Hm, I guess we will work on 3 of them," he said looking at his son who went red, "and talk to Dark Lord about training them, but for now lock them up." And with that he left with Mrs. Malfoy right at his side and Draco dragging his feet behind him. "Put the boys in the cellar!" Bellatrix yelled, "not her," she said pushing Rose up against a wall, "we need to have a little talk, girl to girl."

They threw us into the cellar and closed the gate. "We can't leave her there we have to help!" I said going up to the bars and shaking, hoping it would open. "There no use, it's enchanted" Albus replied. "How do you know?" I asked still roughly shaking the bars. "I remember dad told me about it when he got locked up in his 7th year." he responded.

The cellar was dark, the only area that was lit up was around the door. It was made of dark bricks and the door was made of the bars from a jail. There was mold on the walls and it smelt worse than rotting toad. If you were to open the door there would be there would be a staircase that would lead to where Rose was.

I shook the door a couple more times before I gave up and punched the wall. James was looking around the room pressing the walls while Albus was on the floor leaning against the wall. "What are you doing?" I asked giving Hames a weird look. "Trying to find a secret door or something." he responded. "There is no secret door, I remember dad telling me" I said collapsing to the floor next to where Albus sat. James came and sat next me. "Are you sure there is nothing?" James asked, hopefully. "Yeah i'm sure," I responded. "Plus" Albus started, "the way dad got out of here was through-" he gasped and stood up, "Dobby!" He said. We both stood up with him. "What about Dobby?" James asked. "Dobby is how dad and uncle Ron got out to save aunt Hermione and he is alive in this timeline!" My face lit up and so did James's. "But wait how are we supposed to get Dobby?" I asked. "well i'm gonna leave that to Lily, hopefully she will remember too." Albus said. "I hope so too" I said.

At that moment we heard a loud scream. Terror filled us as we realized the piercing screams came from Rose. We heard lots of screams, yells, thuds before it finally went quiet. We were all dead silent and pale.

"We need to have a little talk, girl to girl." Bellatrix said up close to my face. Once the boys left she let go of my hair and started pacing around the room.  I collapsed on the floor rubbing my head. "So you're going to tell me everything that is going to happen this year." she said. "Never" I spat. "Ok then," she approached me grabbed my hair and through me roughly to the floor. "You're going to tell me everything that is going to happen this year....Now!" she said again. I didn't say a word. "Alrighty then you're going to do this the hard way," she said pulling out her wand. "Crucio!" She shouted at me. I've read about that spell, it was the torture curse. All though at this moment I didn't need to read about it to know what it was. I felt in intense pain, like no other pain I've felt before. It felt like hot knives being pierced into me. I screamed in pain. I rolled onto my back screaming more.

Then what had felt like forever, it finally stopped. I was breathing very fast, tears were running down my face. My arms fell to my side and bellatrix got on top of me, got close to my face and whispered, "Now, let's try again, you're going to tell me everything that is going to happen this year." Her horrible voice gave me chills. But I wasn't gonna give in and risk everyone's lives.

"I'm not telling you anything" I sobbed. She slapped me and said coldly, "you're pathetic" she spat at my face. "Might as well remind that" and with that she went to my right arm and with her dagger and started to carve something in my arm. I screamed a high pitched scream before she got off, took one last look at me and stormed away.

My arm was throbbing and I felt light headed. I looked over to see what she did. I saw the words pathetic carved into my arm. Blood slowly trickled from the wound as I laid motionlessly on the floor. Bellatrix walked back over to me and flicked her wand. I felt a sharp pain before I was out like a light.

Oh no I feel so bad for Rose, she is my favorite character. Do you think Lily will remember Dobby? Or do you think they will get out another way? I guess you will have to wait and see ;)

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