Chapter 11~"Disappoinetment"

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Sorry for taking so long to update, I was in a writers block and still kinda am

A lot of info used in this chapter is from the cursed child so if you haven't read that you might be a little confused, but not too much.

Albus P.O.V
We sat in the room in an uncomfortable silence for what felt like hours. I paced around the room for hours until my feet went numb. Scorpius was curled up in a corner sleeping, after crying for so long. Tears stained his red cheeks. The silenced caused thoughts to pour into my mind. "what's happening to Rose and James? What's happening back at the Weasleys? What was Lucius planning? What was Voldemort planning. How are our parents? Have thy figure out a way to get us home?"

My brain was everywhere, I couldn't focus on just one thought when all of this other stuff was going on. I sighed in defeat and sunk down against the wall. I closed my eyes and tried to get some rest, who knows what we're gonna be up against.

A large banging sound at the door made me a Scorp shoot straight off of the floor in a panic. After all that's has happened to us, we were both on edge. My whole body was sore from laying on the ground for so long. Man I missed my bed so much.
A few seconds later the door swam open revealing death eaters. They didn't hesitated to immediately grab me and Scorp and roughly drag us away.

I couldn't recognize the scenery around me but I could tell we were far from the entrance and the dungeon. They yanked us sharply around a corner. I scowled at them but that only made them tighten there grip more. We finally arrived, the death eaters push open the tall doors to reveal a long narrow room with a long table and many chairs. The wall paper was a dark green and the floor was marble and black. One could only assume it was a meeting room.
The room was empty, but I had a feeling it wouldn't be for long. The death eater pushed us in further and had us face the door way and wait for whoever was it enter next.

First it was Luscious and Draco. They stood by the door against the wall. Luscious studied us like he did when he first met us. Draco looked at his feet and shifted uncomfortably, not making eye contact with anyone, even when his father whispered stuff in his ear. I looked over at Scorp who was doing the exact same thing. It's crazy how much they look alike. I knew even with there similar features they were two very different people.
Bellatrix then entered a long with a few other unrecognizable death eaters. Then after a while of waiting I was shocked to see who walked through the door next.

He had a cloak over his head and room immediately went cold at his entrance, the death eaters bowed there head as he entered with a snake following at his trail. He approached us. All color drained from my face as Scorpius started shaking and bitting his lip to hold back a sob. Once he was about 2 feet away from us he raised his pale arm and shoed the death eaters next to us away. He then grabbed the edges of his hood and lowered it down revealing who it was although it wasn't hard for either of us to guess who he was before.

It was non other than lord Voldemort himself.

He paced around us, slowly, like he was examining a painting. Before letting out a cold laugh. "This is just too perfect!" He said, his voice raspy and cold. "They will be perfect bait to lure the rest of them here, too bad when they get here they will be dead" Scorpius whimpered a bit, while I stared at Voldemort glaring, I don't want him to have the pleasure of seeing me afraid. His smile dropped at he looked at me with a curious face. "Wow a brave one yes," he said while studying my face, "should of expected non-the less from a Potters son" I stiffened as he said that. He grinned at my action.
"I have a feeling that's one of the few things you actually have in common with your father isn't it?" My face dropped and my breath hitched a bit, how did he know that? I straightened my face up again, not making eye contact with him. His grin widened as he took a step closer in my direction. "Al don't listen to him, he just trying to get to you." Scorpius whispered. A part of me knew that and wanted to listen to Scorp but another part didn't another part of me was curious. Voldermort glared at Scorpius before motioning a death eater to him. The death eater grabbed Scorp and moved him away from me, and over with the other death eaters.

Now it was just me and Lord Voldemort standing in the center of the room, with all the curious death eaters spectating from the sides.

"Your friends at school think your a freak!" He spat while pacing around me, "your own family thinks your a disappointment!" He spat again. I winced at his words but still kept a stern face.

I'm a disappointment

"They don't understand you like I do!" He whispered.
"Albus don't listen to him!!" Scorpius cried from the corner, but I stopped listening, I was too busy think about what he's saying. "A Potter doesn't belong in Slythern" he spat, "a Slythern are people like us" he said while extending his arms out to his death eaters who simply nodded in response.

A Potter doesn't belong in Slytherin

I kept quiet, not knowing what to think. Usually stuff like this doesn't get to me but for some reason it was.
"Your school doesn't except you like we would, they see you as just Harry Potter's failure son"

His failure son

"You hear there whispers, the rumors, and you have all this pressure to live up to your father just because he's 'the chosen one', just because your his son, I never asked to be his son"

those words suck in my mind more than the rest of the whole speech, because its something that I had said to myself before.

I never asked to be his son

I ears went numb and I could no longer make out what anyone was saying anymore, I was just focused on those words, I never asked to be his son. It's just repeated over and over again. I looked over to see Scorpius being held down by two death eaters as he tried to run over to me. I look back over at Voldemort to see him just watching me in amusement. Before he finally spoke again.

"Albus" he said softly, "come with us." I froze in shock.

I knew that when I was taken that they were gonna try to make me like them, but I was sure in the begging that I wouldn't give in, but now........

Now I'm not so sure.....

"Albus, your not like them, your like us, do really want to go back to being a disappointment? Here you won't be a disappointment, you'll be everything!"
"We understand what your going through Albus."
I finally look into his eyes, there were cold and gave me chills down my spine. His facial expression wasn't a teasing smile anymore but a serious look. He backed away to the door with his arms extended. "So, Albus Potter, how about it? How about you go from disappointment to greatness!"


Silence filled the room, everyone was waiting in curiosity, even Scorpius stopped yelling. I don't know why I felt so vulnerable around him. There was something wrong I could feel it, something that was making me fell the way I wouldn't normally feel. Think the way I wouldn't normally think. I stood there, confused, thinking very hard before I made up my mind.

I looked over at Scorpius and mouthed the word 'I'm sorry' before walking towards Voldemort.

Scorpius started skating his head and started yelling again, "No Albus no!! I'm your best friend, your family does love you don't listen to him!" Tears filled my eyes as I ignored him and continued to walk towards Voldemort. A grin grew on his face. "Well done my boy" he placed his hand on my shoulder before leading me out the door.

Oh snap, Albus agreed to become a death eater!!! Do you think he will go through with it? I guess you will have to wait and see!!

I also want to apologize for being so inactive, I've had a very busy summer traveling and more people are reading my story and I just feel pressured to make sure it's perfect and I was in a writings block.
I promise more chapters will be coming out soon and won't take as long.

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