Chapter 6~"They're Here"

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I woke up and felt something sticky in my hair. I reached up to my hair and felt what seemed like a mix of syrup and whip cream. I screamed and Hermione, Ginny and Rose woke up, and felt there hair and screamed as well.

"James!" I shouted. We all got up and went down stairs. Ron, Harry, and Albus started choking on there food holding in a laugh.
"Mom look what Fred and George did!" Ginny shouted.
"And James and Fred the second!" Rose shouted.
"FRED, GEORGE!....and JAMES, and uh OTHER FRED!" Grandma shouted. The boys all came down and stopped at the stairs and snickered. We all glared at them and they stopped. Sirius walked in the room.
"Good morning- yikes what happened to you?!" Sirius asked.
"Why don't you ask them" Hermione spat jerking her head towards the four boys on the stairs.
"you four!" Sirius said as he approached them. They all looked down.
"Nice one!" He said patting them on the back. They looked at him and smiled and they chatted about the prank a bit until Grandma had enough of it.

"Sirius!" She started "you shouldn't be encouraging them!"
"I'm sorry Mrs.Weasley" he said and left the room.

"Now as for you four no more pranks or tricks, and you're going to help me clean the house!" They all looked down. Grandma pulled out her wand and with a couple flicks the whip cream and syrup were gone, well most most of it, they were still some remainder in our hair that needed be washed out.
* * * * * * *

We spent the whole morning cleaning and it was exhausting. It wasn't the worst punishment any of us have received but man was it hard. After work we all went to bed and took a long nap. By the time we finished all that it was almost dinner. I woke everyone else up and we headed down stairs but everyone was in there quidditch gear. Well not everyone some people were on the couch reading and chatting.

"Hey what going on?" I asked the ones who weren't on the couch.
"Where going out to play a quick game of quidditch before dinner want to join us?" Harry asked.
"All four of our eyes lit up and we ran up stairs, changed and ran outside. Today was not as bad of a day as I thought.

Of course my team won but boy, were we hungry. We all sat in silence as we gobbled down our food. Dinner was delicious and we were worn out. We all went to bed without any pranking involved. But something just didn't feel right, but I couldn't put my finger on it.

???'S P.O.V
"Look my lord we have a trace of a time turner being used"
"how intriguing, was it Potter?"
"Yes, and no..." he stuttered.
"What do you mean Wormtail?"
"Look for yourself," he handed him the thing that was tracing the presents of a time turner.
"Potters kids..." Voldemort said
"Get bellatrix and some death eaters and get ready to move, we've got some retrieving to do..." he said, petting his snake.

HARRY'S P.O.V(from the past)
I sat up from my bed breathing heavily.
"He knows..." I whispered to myself. I knew that dream was real. I crept down stairs and headed to the couch and was surprised to see Albus sitting there. I sat next to him and he jumped but relaxed when he realized it was just me.

The silence was broken by Albus saying,
"you had the dream too" he looked at me and I nodded. There was another long silence before I asked, "You have those dreams too?". He nodded and said, "only when I'm shown and reminded of bad stuff that happened in the past, well future for you." He said looking down at his hand. I nodded. I wonder what bad stuff is going to happen. I wanted to ask but it's best if I don't, plus It could affect the future.

"He's going to come" I finally said.
"I know but who do we tell?" He asked turning to me. It's weird how much we looked alike, he just had no glasses or scar.
"I don't know everyone is already so stressed out as it is" I responded unsure of what to do. There was another long silence. It wasn't an awkward one like the others have been.
"We should go to bed" I said. He nodded and got up from the couch and I did the same. We walked up to bed. About an hour later I had the dream again, but a bit more than last time. I looked to Albus who was up and with the same worried expression.
"They're here" he said and with that there was a loud bang.

Forgive for the cliff hanger I couldn't help it. What did you think will happen? Who do you think this will effect the most?

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