Chapter 10~ "Malfoy"

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James POV
I sat on the cold ground, chucking rocks at the wall while sighing to myself. We were kidnap and Rose is in trouble and there's nothing we could do about it.
I sighed again, chucking another rock at the wall.
I was about to reach for another rock when I herd foot steps coming towards out cell. We all stood up quickly, ready to fight anything that walked through that door. Two death eaters were carrying someone by there arms to out cell. Both there wands were pointed at us, as they unlocked the door and through the girl in the cell before slamming it shut. I looked at her in confused as I slowly approached her. She look up at us and we gasped in horror.

It was Rose.

But not the nice, kind, know it all Rose we knew, this Rose was dark, gloomy, and destroyed. Her hair was matted and she was covered in bruises, she had scratch marks all over her along with her arm that had a big gash on it. We all ran over to her. Me and Scorpius helped her up and brought her over to a more lighted area. I ripped a piece of my jacket and tied it around her bleeding arm. I could of sworn it looked like there were words on her arm but I pushed the thought away and look at Rose.
Her eyes had bags under them, and she was shaking and flinched at the slightest touch, and was extremely pale. We sat her down while Albus started questioning her. "Rose....." he stuttered, "w-what happened?" She exhaled a sharp breath before turning away from us.

We sat in silence for awhile before we heard light sobs coming from her. I placed my hand on her shoulder. She flinched at first before embracing me into a hug while sobbing in my shoulder. I returned the embrace. She let go and wiped her tears before finally speaking. "T-t-they wanted to know what was gonna h-happen in the future and how t-they could win...." she stopped and took a deep breath before continuing, "I-i-i told her no and.... and....." she started sobbing again. Albus reached across and comforted her, while Scorpius turned pale. I stood up with anger and slammed my fist into the wall. I was filled with anger. I wanted who ever hurt her to suffer like she did. "Who" I asked. "Wha- what?" Roses stuttered, while Albus gave me a concerned look. "Who did...this!" I said gesturing towards her.  She looked down at her knees before whispering, "Bellatrix". I clenched my hand in a fist before walking towards the cell door.

Albus ran towards me and grabbed my arm. I hastily yanked it away and started walked towards the cell door again. He then put his hand in my shoulder. I rolled my eyes and looked at him. "What?!" I snapped. He he jumped and removed his hand from my shoulder. "James" he said softly, "I know your mad, and you want to get back at Bellatrix but this is not the way to go about it." I scoffed at him. "So what?! Am I just supposed to wait here and let her get away with it or until she does it to someone else!?" He looked at me with sad eyes. "You need to relax before you do something that will get us all killed, your upset and not thinking properly."
I sighed, "ok, ok I will try not to do anything stupid." He patted my back before walking back over to Rose.

We sat there in silence for about a half an hour. We had some small talk here and there, but Rose didn't seem in any condition to have a casual happy chat or go into any details about what happened. So we just sat in uncomfortable silence. We all jerked up when we herd the cell door open. Rose gasped, and all three of us jumped up in front of her. "Relax were not here for her" the death eater grumbled, as he reached for Albus. We started to run to defend Albus, but back away when the other death eaters aimed there wands at us. Albus struggled at his gripped but gave in when the death eater aimed his wand at him. He tossed him to another death eater while he grabbed Scorpius and left.
Rose started hyperventilating. "Hey, hey, it will be ok, there gonna be fine" I said while comforting her at her side. I looked over at them and watched them look the cell door.

To be honest, I wasn't sure if they were.

Albus's POV
I jerked my head away from the wand that was being held at my throat. The death eaters hastily tugged at my arms behind my back leading me and Scorpius to where ever they were planning on. I wanted to go back for Rose. I could only image what she thinks might happen to us and I don't want her freaking out. She's been broken and I didn't want to make it worse.
I looked over at Scorpius to see his eyes watering up, he whimpered at the intense grip of the death eaters.
Finally we arrive to what ever our destination was to be. They pushed us into the room and released there grip on us and lowered there wands. I stood up and looked around the room.
It old but fancy room. It was very small and dusty. The floors were a dark wood and the walls were painted red. I looked in froufrou of me to see a desk next to a book shelf. There was a man with a cane and long blond hair, lightly touching the books. Next to the man I recognized was Draco Malfoy. He stood up straight with his hand behind his back. Basically acting like the stuck up snob he is.
I looked over at Scorpius to see him avoiding eye contact as Draco's eyes scanned the both of us. I could see right through his stuck up properly manner.

He was scared of us.

The man finally turned around and as I guessed it, it was Mr. Lucius Malfoy. He looked at us for a while, not speaking a word before finally turning to Draco and saying, "he really does look like you Draco, no denying that," he turned and looked at me, "and the other, just like Potter, it's almost like our timeline except unlike you and Potter they are friends," he walked behind the desk and sat in that large leather chair, fingering through a book. "Kinda like what I wanted you to do with Potter on your first year but no, you let the Weasley get to him first" he said scolding this son. Draco looked down at his shoes not making eye contact with us or his father. "And he's a Slytherin too! It's too perfect except the one flaw is he's not with the dark lord" he said lowering his voice and taping the table. "....for now..." he stood up again.
I finally spoke up, "do what you want with us, we will never be like you!" I spat at him. He gave me a sicking grin before walking towards me. I felt my heart speed up but I wasn't going to show any fear. "We may be Slytherin and he may be a Malfoy," he took a step closer, "b-but you can't change time." I stated. He took another big step. He stood right I fount of me. I swallowed the lump in the throat. I looked away, not making eye contact and keeping the stern look on my face. In the corner of my eye I saw him frown and then furrowed his eyebrows .
He grabbed my neck and jaw and turned my head towards him. He leaned closer, I could feel his hot breath. I put my hands around the hand that he was using to grip my jaw and a bit of my throat. I gasped for air and he leaned to soaker in my ear. "They say you may not be able to change the past, but that doesn't mean you can't change the future." He let go and I fell to the floor gasping for air. Scorpius looked mortified.
Lucius, then walked over to the desk again, face if his back towards us before raising his hand, snapping his fingers, and pointing away.
Then the death eaters grabbed at us again and brought us to a different room. It was about the same size as the room before but this one was empty and dusty. The paint of the walls were peeling and the ground wood was molding. They shuffled us into the room before locking the door. I ran to the door and placed my ear to it. I herd them whisper some words a bright light came from under the door. One can only assume it was a spell to keep us in.

I screamed and punched the door before falling to the ground. I looked over to see Scorpius crying. Normally I would for I comfort him, but I just could stop thinking about what Lucius Malfoy said. "You can't change the past but you can change the future." I said out loud. Scorpius stopped crying and looked over at me in confusion. "The future is never set in stone" I whispered to myself. "Albus..." Scorpius said, "A-are you alright?"
I gasped.
That's when I came to the horrible realization.

Lucius Malfoy was right....

So what do you think Lucius plans to do with them to make them join the dark lord?? I guess your gonna have to wait and see...;)

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