Chapter 5~ "Who do you like?"

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We all headed to the dinning room which had been expanded due to the surprise company.
"What about my kids?" Fred asked as we munched down on our food. I frowned and so did a lot of the future kids. Albus was about to say something but I thought it would be best if Fred didn't know he dies in the future.
"Look Fred you-" I covered Albus's mouth and said
"you have a, a, a new born baby! Yeah and it's it's name is, is um....George! Yeah you two both named your kids after each other." I stuttered. He seemed to believe it and so did George, but others didn't look so convinced, and the future kids gave me weird looks. I shoveled food into my mouth to avoid the questions of others.

Teddy looked really happy to be connecting with his parents, but what if they got suspicious on why he asked so many questions about them. Whatever I wasn't going to ruin there bonding experience.
"Well it was lovely staying but I best be off" Dumbledore said as he stood from his seat. "Wait how are we gonna get home?" Hugo asked. "Don't worry i'm gonna contact the ministry and we will figure this out tomorrow, but for now enjoy yourselves" he replied. And with that he left.

GINNY'S P.O.V(from the past)
Mom figured out who would sleep were. In one room there was me, Hermione, Lily, and Rose. In another room would be Harry, Ron, Albus, Hugo and Scorpius. The next room was  Victorie, Molly, and Louis. And in the last room would be Fred, George, Fred(II), James and Teddy. Teddy was there to make sure they don't get into trouble. I collapsed on the bed with a smile on my face.
"Harry Potter, I married Harry Potter" I said in daze. Lily giggled.
"So you're in ravenclaw and you skipped a year so I assume you're very intelligent." Hermione said to Rose.
"yeah but i'm very clumsy and pretty good at wizard chess but not as good as Hugo," Rose replied.
"Is it just me," I started, "or is it weird that where in the same room as our future kids?" "definitely" Hermione replied.
"How do you think we feel about our parents being in there teen years." Lily said.
"True" I responded
"let's get some sleep." I said.
"Good night mu- i'm mean Ginny" Lily stuttered.
"You can call me whatever I don't mind." I said with a smile.
"Same here!" Hermione said.
"Alright then goodnight mum" I said. And then we went to bed.

We spent about an hour talking about quidditch and thankfully Ron and Harry have come around to liking Scorp. Ron and Hugo started talking about wizard chess and then after it got very silent.
"So..." Harry started, Ginny huh..." I laughed a bit and so did Scorp and Hugo.
"how do I respond to them dating," Ron asked. "Pretty well considering the fact that you were dating Hermione." I said. Ron turned red and Hugo giggled a bit, before laying down and falling asleep almost immediately, how does he do that?
"So let's talk about you guys, you know who we marry but what about you guys? who do you like?" Ron said while wiggling an eyebrow.
"I don't like anyone, but I know someone here who does" I said looking at Scorp.
"And," I added, "The person he likes is also back in time with us too..." I evilly grinned at Scorp as he turned beet red. 
"Ooooooo" Ron and Harry said in sync.
"Who is it mate?" Ron asked.
"Rose..." He muttered quietly.
"You like my daughter!?" Ron said pretending to be serious.
"She's not your daughter yet..." Scorpius mumbled. Harry and where both laughing, it's weird cause we have the same laugh. We both noticed this and stopped.
"Let's go to bed before mum finds out where awake." Ron finally said. And we all went to bed.

We all immediately went to bed and waited for Teddy to fall asleep.
Come on the four best pranksters in one room how can we not plan a prank on someone. We duped all the prank supplies we had in one pile in the center. We all had the same evil glint in all of our eyes. We stayed up late, mostly talking, but also planning some prank ideas and talking about past pranks we've done. We decided to do some original muggle pranks so we wouldn't get in too much trouble. Yeah they were muggle pranks but they were still super funny. Let me tell you, it was a good night.

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