Chapter 12~"We Have To"

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We all waited anxiously in bed, for the adults to fall asleep. Tonight was the night Dobby was gonna bring us to Malfoy manor and we all the the jitters. I rolled on my left side, then my right, then on my back, then back to my left. "Don't move too much" Hermonie whispered. "I know I know I'm just scared." I whispered back. "It's ok Lily we all are nervous" Ginny whispered. "What if......... what if we never see them again?" I whispered, my eyes watering. "Don't say that!" Hermoine whispered shouted, "There gonna be ok, I promise" I nodded my head although I doubt any of them could see it in the dark.

I stop rolling around but I was still super nervous, I pretended to sleep when ever Molly/Grandma peeked her head in to make sure we weren't awake. Luckily she never suspected anything. Finally and hour after hearing the last adult go to sleep Teddy peeked his head in and nodded. I got up out of bed and ran down stairs quietly as possible, not bothering to wait for the rest of the group. I didn't want to wait another second after Harry told us about his dream were Rose was being tortured by Bellatrix.
I shivered at the thought. Teddy came and placed his hand on my shoulder.
"Hey Lily, it's ok, we're gonna get them out of there." He said softly. I only nodded in response. The older kids were talking lightly about the plan when we get there and who would stay with who.

I looked over to see Hugo fiddling with his fingers and bitting his lip. Hermoine bumped Rons shoulder and pointed at Hugo. His eyes expanded and he shook his head no. Then Hermoine whispered, "it's our fault his sister his gone so we should be there to comfort him amen he his technically our kid". Hermoine then shoved Ron towards Hugo. Ron walked over to him and awkwardly put his hand on his shoulder. Hugo all of sudden burst into tears and hug Ron. Ron stood there and looked to Harry and Hermoine with a concerned/confused face.
He didn't know what to do in this situation. I smiled a bit, at least he was trying.
Hermoine rolled his eyes at him and mouthed the words 'comfort him'. Ron slowly wrapped his arms around Hugo, "there there" he said while patting his head. Hermione scoffed and walked over and gently got on her knees and placed a hand on Hugo's shoulder. "It's ok Hugo, we will find her" she said softly, 'her' meaning Rose. Hugo let go of Ron and turned to Hermione. Hermoine smiled and wiped away the stray tears before hugging him.

I smiled at them, it was nice that they were doing that even if it's kinda awkward cause it's there future son. They were already trying to be a parent for Hugo even though he technically didn't exist then. My smile dropped when I thought about my parents. I missed them so much.

Once everyone was ready to go we anxiously waited for Dobby to arrive.
I thought Dobby was never gonna show up but finally Dobby appeared in the room, with a big toothy grin on his face.

"I can't believe they did that I just..... argh!" James yelled for the fifth time.
After the incident with Albus they brought me back to cellar, but not after many attempts to try to do what they did to Albus.
Trust me, they dug deep and I almost cracked. But I stood my ground and they eventually gave up. They told me I was 'to weak to be a death eater'.

Rose was sitting in the corner, apparently according to James she still hasn't said a word. Her face was shocked when I told them about what happened to Albus. James was furious. Not because Al agreed to be a death eater, but because of how deep they dug into his personal life.
"I just feel so guilty, likes it's my fault," James said, a lot calmer now, "I mean I teased him all the time for being a Slytherin, I didn't realize how that effected him..." James sighed and collapsed into the floor. "It's not your fault, other people did way worse." I said sitting next to James. "I know I know but I'm his big brother I should of been there to protect him and give him encouraged not bring him down more and leave him in the dust..." James hid his face in his hand. I could tell he felt hurt but didn't want to show it.

"It's kinda my fault too"

Me and James looked at Rose in shock. She looked at us before taking a deep breath and speaking again, "in our first year on the train I made him feel bad for being friends with you Scorp and just ignored him for years...."
"Yeah but you changed and apologized" I said, but she shook her head and looked away from us. "The damage is done." I sighed and leaned my head against the cold stone wall. This wasn't good, everyone was loosing hope and purpose, if we continued this we will never got out of here....




I looked around in confusion, trying to see where the noise came from. Rose and James where also looking around in confusion. We all gave up on being ready to fight whatever it was, we were all weak physically and mentally. Than we looked to see something appear from deeper inside the cellar. Then a bright light from a wand appeared and I looked to see,
"Lily!" James said as he ran over to the girl. We all walked over to see the rest of the crew. "Oh my god Rose!" Hugo gasped and ran over to Rose. Teddy ran over too with a med kit we brought just in case. "Where's Albus?" Fred asked. My face dropped. No one spoke for a bit before Rose spoke up, "V-V-Voldemort convinced him t-that we didn't c-c-care about h-him and now he's joined h-him" Rose stuttered in almost a whisper. They all gasped. "He thinks we don't care about him?" Victoria said in sadly. "We have to get him back" Harry said. "But how? He's with With You Know Who" George replied.

We all pondered for a bit.

"We show him that Voldemort was wrong" I said with confidence. And everyone looked over at me and nodded. Then I spoke again in almost a whisper, "We will get him back..........................................................................................we have to"

Ahhh I know this chapter was short, I wanted but writing the part where they go to try to save Albus I feel like just didn't fit well with this chapter, but I promise it's the process of being made right now.

Also in like 2 or 3 chapters from now I'm gonna stop writing chapters for a little bit.........................................................................................................................while I go back and improve the older ones.

I've come so far as a writer and there's so many more people than I ever expected to read and enjoy my stories and when I go back and read my first couple chapter I cringe a lot. I started writing this story a year ago so I've improved my writing skill a lot and I wanna make those a chapter better especially cause those are the chapter that usually people read and decide if it's worth reading more or not. Don't worry I'm not gonna do that right now but look for that in the future.

Ok bye👌👍

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