Chapter 3~"Introductions" (part 1)

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I went down stairs with Ron and Hermione to see a bunch of people of people in our living room.
"Dumbledore who are they?" I asked.
"there from the future!" Sirius replied. I looked at Dumbledore and he nodded.
"And there the kids of people in the room or people we know" Sirius said. I looked at the strangers and they smiled.
"Alright everyone come take a seat except for the future people you stand there!" Dumbledore announced. We all sat down and others from upstairs came down. "Introductions!" Sirius said excitedly.
"alright tell us your full name, age, house,year of hogwarts, parents, and anything else you think we should know, also don't say your parents name if you have siblings let them go then tell us your parents." Dumbledore said. "Also tell us how you got here" Lupin requested.
"um so James here thought it would be a genius idea to sneak into his father's office with Fred his cousin, and steal a time turner and then they broke it and sent us here" Rose said while James looked at the floor.
"I guess I'll go first" Teddy started,
"my name is Teddy and-" he stopped and turned very pale when he looked at Lupin and Tonks. His hair started turning white for some reason and a girl with orange hair jumped in front of him and said
"James! You got us into this mess why don't you go first!" Then she pushes forward a boy who I assumed was James. That was weird. Why was his hair turning white? The only one who can do that is Tonks. And why does he have my fathers name?
"Ok fine, I'm the one and only James Sirius potter!" James started.
"Harry! You named your son's middle name after me thanks! Sirius said with joy. He then patted me on the pack and I gave him an awkward smile. I have a son?
"And i'm 15, i'm in my 5th year, i'm a gryffindor and i'm a chaser for the quidditch team". I looked over and saw Lupin and Sirius smile. I guess he kinda resembled a mini version of my father James.
"Hi i'm Al" A boy who looked a lot like me stepped up.
"Al you have to say your full name, Dumbledore said so!" James teased at him.

I glared at James as he smiled his evil grin at me. I never liked my full name. Or my house at times. I sighed and said slowly "Albus...Severus...Potter" as expected everyone gasped, except for Dumbledore who said, "Severus! Harry named his 2nd child after us!" he said gleefully.
"Indeed" Snape said shocked and slightly confused as well.
"Um well i'm in Slytherin..." and as expected everyone gasped again, when Scorpius who I forgot was here jumped in and said,
"but in the future houses don't really matter that much!" me and Scorp where close friends.
"Yeah!" Rose jumped in, "Slytherins aren't all evil and mean some are very nice actually..." Rose said looking at me and Scorp. I knew those two always had a thing for each other but won't admit it.
"Alright continue...Albus" dumbledore said with a wink.
"Ok,um i'm 14 and I prefer going by Al, i'm in my 4th year and i'm the Slytherin seeker.
"Hi!, i'm Lily!" My very jumpy sister said. Lupin and Sirius smiled again.
"Lily Luna potter!" I smiled and shook my head.
"I'm 12 years old and i'm in Hufflepuff! And i'm in my 2nd year and my big brothers are Al and James and our parents are..."

Before she could finish Fred(I) and George jumped in and shouted
"wait! Let us guess!"
"Ok" I shrugged." They got out of there chairs and approached us. They stared Lily down then Albus then me, it was really weird.
"This one looks a lot like Harry." Fred said pointing at Al, or I think it was Fred I can't really tell them apart. He's not alive in our time line so it was good to see what they were like together. That's why george in the future named his son Fred, after his dead twin.
"Yeah and there last names are potter too" George said.
"But this has red hair" Fred said feeling through Lily's long red hair.
"I think we know who there parents are" they said in sync.
"Harry potter and Ginny weasley!" They shouted.
"Are we right?" They ask us. We all nodded our heads. Sirius started laughing, Ginny and Harry turned beet red, Mrs.Weasley was welcoming Harry to the family while Ron was yelling at Harry. "Harry you knocked up my little sister what the heck mate!" Ron shouted "Settle down!" Dumbledore said as the room got quiet.
"Alright who's next?" Dumbledore asked.

"Me" I said. I really didn't want to go, but I knew I'd have to. I removed my beanie and said "hi, I'm um Edward but I go by Teddy, my full name is Teddy... Lupin..." As I said this Remus looked shocked and worried, but I knew exactly why. "Are you a-?" He started but I interrupted "no I'm not a werewolf, but I on full moons I'm very cranky." Remus relaxed a little and I continued
"I'm was a hufflepuff and I'm 23, and-" at this moment my hair turned purple and everyone gasped.
"My parents are Tonks and Lupin." I finished before anyone could asked. Tonks hair changes to red and so did mine and she smiled.
"Me next!" Rose said. Hi I'm Rose Weasley-"
"more grandkids!" Mrs. Weasley yelped in joy. Rose continued,
"And i'm in ravenclaw, I just turned 14 and I'm in my fifth year."she finished. "Wait how can you be in your fifth year of you JUST turned 14?" Hermione asked. "I skipped a year she said proudly.
"Hi I'm Hugo weasley, her sister, and I'm 11, and I'm the wizard chess master! I'm in gryffindor and my parents are Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger!" Both Hermione and Ron turned very red and Mrs.Weasley welcomed Hermione to the family, while Remus passed Sirius a stack of coins.

"My turn!" My name is Fred and my twin is Roxanne, Were 15, 5th year, and in Gryffindor. "Hey! I can introduce myself you didn't need to do that" Roxanne said.
"Our parents are George and Angelina" Roxanne finished.
"George you stole my girlfriend!" Fred shouted at his twin
"you took her to the Yule ball once! That doesn't count!" George responded.
"I'll go next"

Wow this chapter was long, I hope it makes up for the last one being so short

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