Chapter 7~"Bellatrix"

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        I heard a loud bang and shot up, thinking it was the boys making trouble again, but when I turned on the lights I saw them in bed rubbing there eyes. There was another bang and I ran down stairs to where I assumed the sound came from, the boys followed. When we got there we saw that we weren't the only ones who heard it. Everyone except for the adults where down stairs.

There was a big hole in the wall and there stood about 8 people in hooded cloaks and a girl in front of them all. I gasped. "Bellatrix" I said and everyone else gasped.
She laughed her horrible laugh. I pulled out my wand and she flicked hers and it flew out of my hand.
"Moody!" Harry shouted.
"Don't even bother, I have a spell on all the adults, they won't hear you" she replied, snickering. Her hair was matted and a dark black and curly, her teeth were gross and she wore all black.
"So a little bird told me that we have some people here from the future." She smiled evilly. "So" she said as she approached James, Albus, and Lily.
"The potter kids" she said getting closer to them. Lily hid her face into James side and he put an arm around her, while Albus stood in front of her.
"Aw is the little girl scared?" Bellatrix said in a baby voice. She snickered again and looked at James. "You look a lot like your grandfather, the lord is gonna want to see you boy," then she grabbed his shoulder and threw him to two death eaters who grabbed both of his arms.

"And you," she said looking at Albus, "You look like your father, but the lord wants you for a different reason, maybe because you're a slytherin we could make you evil." She smiled a horrible smile.
"Never" Albus spat at her. "Well you will soon," she said grabbing his arm and throwing him to two more death eaters who grabbed both of his arms.

"She looked at Rose and was about to say something until she looked over at Scorpius. "Ah! The lord will be pleased to see you Malfoy" she said walking towards Scorp. Scorp was on to what was happening.
"I will never be like you" he said and glared at her.
"Oh you will, and by the way you're farther isn't as good as he was in your time." She said close to his face. Then she laughed and shoved him to another two death eaters.

She looked at Rose and Hugo, then at Ron and Hermione, and burst into laughter.
"You two had a child?" she laughed pointing to Ron and Hermione. "Haha! How pathetic! Haha!" She yelled. "I can't believe a weak Weasley and a gross mudblood had a child, haha! Two! Haha!" Ron was turning beet red and so was Hermione in embarrassment and anger. I looked over at Rose and I could tell she was boiling up. With her Weasley temper and her Granger strength, she could knock down a whole building.

         I...was...furious. How dare she say that about my mother and father. I wanted to attack, but I kept my cool. There was one thing she said that flipped my switch.
She pressed her wand to Hermione's throat and said, "Well mudblood" she said as she approached Hermione. "might as well bring you, you pathetic, worthless, retarded, ugly, mudblood." I've had enough, I ran up too Bellatrix and punched her in the face. Everyone was shocked, James was smiling. The two last death eaters went up to me and grabbed my arms to hold me back. Man that felt good, to let out all my anger, well most of it. Bellatrix got up off the floor and felt her lip. It was bleeding. She started laughing

"haha, you shouldn't have done that." And with she, aimed her wand at me and said "stupefy!" It hit me right in the stomach and sent me flying backwards. I hit the wall and landed with a thud.
"Rose!" I heard Hugo yell. I grabbed my stomach and closed my eyes, trying to hold back the tears.
"Aw are you gonna cry?" She said in her baby voice. I opened my eyes and she grabbed me by the hair stood me up and pushed me up against the wall and put the wand to my throat. I put my hands to my head trying to stop the pain in any way.
"Aw, you're so weak, you're an itty, bitty, baby. She laughed again. I glared at her. Are you gonna cry to mom and dad? Oh wait, you're parents haven't had you yet so they don't love or care about you, the way you do. Plus there pathetic." She as she grabbed me by the hair and dragged me to mom and dad, well Ron and Hermione.

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