Chapter 1~"In The Past?"

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The last thing I saw was Victorie running to Teddy before the smoke filled my eyes. I felt dizzy and like the floor was gone. I don't know what happened but I was going to be in trouble. Surprisingly being the kid of George the biggest troublemaker and prankster I was a pretty well behaved kid. Sure I had my moments like all kids but most of the time I was pretty good. My pranks unlike James made the person I was pranking laugh and not angry at me. Plus my pranks don't get me in trouble, well most of the time. The smoke finally cleared and we landed with a thud. All of us were on top of each other. I looked around I could tell we were not at home. "Was it a portkey or something?"

We just finished up our order of the Phoenix meeting and I was hungry. Luckily Molly was starting on dinner. All of a sudden I heard a loud thud and so did everyone else, well except for Molly she was too focused on getting food ready feed everyone. Mad eye drew his wand and so did Lupin, Tonks, Snape, Dumbledore, and I as well. We all approached the hallway with Mad eye at lead. When we got closer to the hall way the more sounds we could here. There were people, a lot of them and they sounded You could here them say stuff like
"Ow who's pulling my hair?"
"Get your foot out of my face!"
"Stop yelling!"
"James get off of me!"
Lupin and I exchanged glances when we heard his name. Then Mad eye bust through, all of us had our wands aimed at whoever was there.

"Ow who's pulling my hair?"
"Get your foot out of my face!"
"Stop yelling!"
"James get off of me!"
We were all trying to free ourselves from the dog pile we landed in. It looked like we were in a hallway. I could tell that the surroundings were not familiar and that I screwed up. I usalully screw up but this was at a whole other level of screwing up. Just as we got untangled a man with a group of people behind him busted through to us with their wands aimed. "Who are you!?" The man yelled. I looked more closely at his face and recognized from some old photos.
It was Mad eye moody.
But how could that be. He was dead unless... Wait didn't Teddy say that necklace was a time turner or something. Teddy look as he was going to speak up (as he was the oldest) until he saw two people. It couldn't be.
Lupin and Tonks.
But they were dead, and Teddy has never met his parents. Teddys hair started turning from a natural brown to a ghostly white and he pulled his beanie hat over the rest of his hair so they couldn't see. Teddy is Metamorphmagus like her mother. It means they could change their appearance without a spell. Rose obviously took noticed in what happened to Teddy's hair and stepped forward.
"Excuse me could you tell me what year it is?" She said.
"1995 of course!" Mad eye replied.
"That still doesn't answer my question who are you!?"  He yelled louder and took a step closer to us.
"Mad eye there just kids" Tonks said softly. "That one is old enough to be a death eater" mad eye yelled aiming his wand at Teddy who turned very pale. Rose spoke up again
"um well you may not believe us but where from the future, the year 2017 and where the children of some of the people here and upstairs."
"Psh yeah right" replied someone who looked like Sirius black from old photos and story's dad told us about.
"But it's true!" Albus said stepping by Roses side.
"Alright calm down" an old man said.
It was the one and only Albus Dumbledore. "Now let's just sit one of them down give them the truth potion and see if they're being honest." Dumbledore said while holding up a weird shaped bottle with a dark purple liquid. "That's fine by me" shrugged Sirius black. "Fine! But I still have my eye on you until then!" Mad eye yelled shooting us a glare. Well this should be fun.
Note my sarcasm.

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