Chapter 13~"Crucio"

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Lily's P.O.V
My stomach twist and turned. I've never been so nervous to talk to Albus in my life. We sent a few of us back to the house so that we could get help form the adults if needed and to take care of Rose.

There gonna be so mad when they wake up.

Those of us who were left much to Teddys dislikement were me, Scorpius, James, Teddy, Harry, Hermione, and Ron.
Teddy really didn't want me to stay but Albus is my brother and I'm mature enough to handle this, so he finally gave in.

We creeped down the long dark hallways slowly and steadily. Wands out and in full alert as Teddy lead the way.
I didn't actually know where we were going, I just stayed quiet and let Teddy lead, he seemed to know where he was going.
Then we heard heavy foot steps coming our way. I gasped, and so did the others. We quickly piled into the broom cabinet that were happened to be near.
I was pushed uncomfortably against the door as I peek through the small opening. I gasped as I saw Albus walking with Lucious Malfoy. Al's face was very stern with no emotion at all. It wasn't like him at all. I looked over the my right were Scorpius was also looking through at his best friend. His face was heartbroken and full of worry. I placed a hand on his shoulder but he didn't look away from the door until we couldn't see them anymore.

We unloaded from the small cabinet as quietly as possible. I looked over at Teddy who was behind me the whole time and most likely saw everything too.

"Who was it?" James whispered to Teddy very confused. "It was Lucious Malfoy and..... Albus." Teddy whispered steadily. James gasped, along with Harry, Ron, Hermione, who all couldn't see because they were further in the broom closet.
"Well what are we waiting for? Let's attack Lucius, grab Al and get the hell out of here" Ron said impatiently, not wanting to be at Malfoy manor anymore. "Honestly Ron if you couldn't be more thick," Hermione snapped, "we can't just take him back remember? He chose to join Voldemort, if we take him back he will case trouble and maybe even attack us or tell the death eaters where we are" she said.

I frowned at her words.

"but.....he wouldn't hurt us....right?" I said nervously. Teddys face dropped. "We can never be too safe, we don't know what ideas they've put in his mind" Teddy said, placing a hand on my shoulder. I looked down at my shoes.
"How do we get him back then?" Harry asked.
"The only way to get him, is to convince him he is wanted here and he should come back" Teddy said.
"What?!" James whispered shouted in shock, "Our plan is only to talk to him?! That's it!?"

No one said anything.

We all looked to Teddy. He sighed, "'s the only thing we can may not work..........but it's all we've got."
An uneasy silence slipped into the room as we stood there processing everything. All of sudden the room grew cold. Shivers ran down my spine as a herd a nasty laugh come form the end of the hallway.

"Well, well, well, look what we got here," we gasped and turned around to see Bellatrix standing at the end of the hallway with amused smirk on her face. "How cute, come to save your little friend? Well that just suicide" Belltrix laughed her cold evil laugh, "you do realize he chose to be here, right?"
We turned to the right and look at the other end of the hallways to see more dearth eaters. We were trapped.
Lucious Malfoy pushed through the crowd of death eaters on the right side of the hallway until he was in the front, and next to him was Al.
He looked away from us while Lucious gave us an amused smirk. "How precious, they came back..... only cause they had to" he snapped, going from teasing to scolding in less than a second. "They only came back because they knew they would get in trouble not bringing you back" he said coldly directing his attention to Albus who still wasn't looking at anyone.
"That's not true!" I shouted stepping forward. "No, Lily stop" Teddy said grabbing me, but I ripped my arm from his grip. "Al, we love you and I'm not just saying that, we care about you all of us, we don't care if your a Slytherin or a Hufflepuff or a Gryffindor or a Ravenclaw, you've always been there for us and we love you," tears we're now rolling from my eyes, "please Al! Come home!" I sobbed, looking at him with pleading eyes.

He didn't move a bit.

Bellatrix let out a cruel laugh, "your too late! He's with the dark lord now!" Teddy grabbed my arm and pulled me back. I looked over at Al as Bellatrix continued to rant about Voldemort. He quickly looked at me and winked before looking away. I gasped but didn't say anything.

It was an act. He wasn't with Voldemort. I had pull a sad face and keep myself from smiling. I continued to fake sob into Teddys arm. James came over and gave me a hug. While I was hugging him I whispered into his ear, "Al is faking it" and then pulled away. He looked at me with a shocked face and then back at Al who quickly winked at him. James smiled quickly then went back to a straight face.
"Bellatrix, if you don't mind I would like to test Albus's abilities" Lucious said stepping towards us. Bellatrix stopped chatting and smirked, "Of is expected" she said stepping back a bit. "Shall we take this to the living room" he said before snapping his fingers.

James P.O.V
Roughly dragged us the the living room. The walls were a deep red and there was a fire place lit giving light to the dark room.
They lined us up against the wall and stood in front of us, Albus still avoiding his gaze. He was never the best liar but he's doing really well.

Luscious looked at Al and then back at us and then back to Al. Then he snapped his fingers towards Lily. Then the death eater roughly pulled her forward on her knees. It took all my not to punch them for being so rough with her.

Then he looked at Bellatrix and said, "the Cruciatus Curse should be proof enough that he's with us." He said coldly. Al's face dropped and all of our mouths dropped open. Lily looked up in distress. Luscious looked over at Al and put a hand on his shoulder and brought him up to Lily. Lily looked up at him, eyes full of tears. He lifted up his wand, not looking at Lily, his eyes also watery.
"Please" Lily whispered. I tried to run up to her but was pulled back roughly by a death eater.

Luscious got down to Al's level and looked at him, "look at her, look her in the eyes" he snapped. Al slowly turned and looked at Lily's face.

There was silence

"Do it!!!" Luscious screamed.


Ahhh don't kill me for leaving you at a cliff hanger I just can't help myself. Sorry for taking so long my schedule is just so full, hopefully you enjoyed this though.

See ya next time❤️👌👍

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2017 ⏰

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