Chapter 5

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 Calvin POV

 “Calvin,” Kyle said on this crisp winter night, dipping his fingers in the black slime.

  “It's close,” he noted, wiping the slime onto his pants

 “And dying.” I said, hoping that it in fact it was here, like Jessica guessed, and I swear if that thing took off again, I was going back to the hotel.

  Jessica pushed past me. “Let’s get this over and done with boys.” Her red hair flowed simply down her slender back, contrasting against the glossy black, tight, teasing body suit and I licked my lips watching her firm little ass sway in front of me. Cat woman style, hot!

  Kyle felt the need to remind us, “Head and Chest shots,” as he broke through the thick lining of bushes and the brightness of the moon gloried down upon us, revealing the creature drinking from the lake. This scene could have been described as beautiful, a picture perfect moment, a striking view you see on postcards with the moon hanging artistically above and shining its luminous passage straight across the lake; but with the creature merely gulping away, all admiration no longer applies.

  Kyle motioned for Jessica and I to each take a side. Jessica ambled to the right, pulling out her Katana attached to her back and her antsy fingers twisting them in her palms. I on the other hand drew in cold air, mentally preparing myself and cautiously treading in the opposite direction.

  Where we were by the bluffs, the boats were located on the other side of the lake. Head and chest shots, quick and easy, I told myself. It’s cold; make the first shot count for something.

  The creature, K-17, was bare chested on his hands and knees gulping down the lake water heavily. On the side of the human’s face, neck, crawling down his back and sprawling down his arms were thick black pulsing veins. It was already dead, which means it had only a limited time before the creature inside the human carcass died as well.

  Jessica stepped forward with her Katana ready to kill it and Kyle mouthed, ‘No’. She glared at him, her pale green eyes furious with curiosity and the creature brought its head to the surface, gasping for air. Its eyes were bloodshot, another sign this human body was in fact dead.

  K-17 stood up shaking, acknowledging our presence trying to hold its balance and it spoke slow, raspy and sluggish. “ I… need … a-another r…b-boodeee…”

 I aimed my gun, “Sorry the expiration date just ran out.”

 The creature shook his head and took short pulls of air. “M-M-Mission … not …d-doneee…”

 “There was never a mission assigned for you.”

 Kyle said, “Through the laws of Cerberus you have violated four regulations.” The thing before us began to scream out with anger or maybe pain, and it began to puke, holding its sides tightly. Kyle continued speaking calmly over the creature. “One, taking over an unauthorized human body. Two, leaving the laboratory premises without proper authorization. Three, attempting to attack your enemy without direct permission to do so and four, the death of the human.”

 The thing winced once again, “Mission … n-not … c-complete…”

 “Your judgment,” Kyle said, “is execution.” He then turned to Jessica giving her the go ahead.

 Jessica stepped forward to the creature that was doubled over dying and brought her Katana up for the killing and she was brought to a sudden standstill. In fact, Kyle and myself both exchanged looks at what was happening before us.

  “P-p-p-please…” it pleaded in a voice that wasn’t the creature’s, but the human’s, meaning there was still hope for the body. “I have a family,” the voice mumbled again and something else happened—the blood shot eyes went away and the human’s normal colour returned. 

Velicious Book One (un-editied)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora