Chapter 20

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Something deep down was telling me to walk away, leave and go find my friends where it’s safe, but I couldn’t bring myself to do such a thing. Maybe its sheer curiosity for the nagging feeling of Déjà vu returned now, and has gripped me so tight with steel chains locking me to this stranger.

“My bad,” Mandy slurred walking wobbly down the hall and I hoped that she didn’t trip down the stairs. She was never one to handle her liquor, I feel bad for her roommate tonight.

Marquis heeded raising an eye brow, “Women are you stalking me?” His cheeks and his lips were rosier from the last time I saw him.

“No,” I said and what is with him and stalkers? And why am I asking such a question. I thought my ex was stalking me. What is wrong with me? I do tend to go a little crazy when I drink; maybe Audrina is right, not that I will ever admit that to her face.

Studying me heavily, Marquis finally says as he walks away. “See you around girl,”

And I called out after him, “Wait! Thank you, you didn’t have to do that for me.”

He stopped then and turned to face me, “What are you talking about?”

“The pool game,” I reminded.

“What pool game?”

“Okay, do you suffer from MPD?” That would be the only answer to the sudden change of clothes, hair, and maybe his attitude. The guy I met in the basement was still cheeky in the end. Although Marquis isn’t wearing the beautiful jewelry that glistens all the color of the rainbow and not to mention, he was with Abigail not Mandy. Or maybe, I’ve had one too many shots.

Marquis questioned almost contemptuously, “Do you suffer from AIB?”

Crossing my arms I inquired, “What could that possible mean?”

“First tell me what yours means,” he counters.

Is this some sort of game, which I’m not catching unto? “Multiple personality disorder you,”

He said, “Annoying, irritating bitch,”

“Excuse you,” I was lost for words. Is this guy serious? I glared at Marquis as he obliviously looked back on me and I couldn’t fight off the familiar feeling that crept into my mind. The little voice in the back of my head continued to urge me to walk away.

I finally said, “You’re just rude,”

“And your just-“

I cut him off, “I get it AIB.” I don’t need this- what I need is another shot. “Marquis you have a lovely night,” and I walked on pass him regretting that I took in his scent.

As I cursed myself repeatedly, Marquis this time called after me. “Dante,”

“Dante who?” I question still walking.

“I’m not Marquis, I’m Dante.”

That stopped me dead in my tracks, shortly. I murmured, “Fine have a good night Marqie, Dante, whoever, goodnight.” I waved him lazily goodbye and somehow I tripped, and strangely I found the whole thing very funny. This is what happens when you should have stayed in your room reading. This is what happens when you think your ex is stalking you and this is what happens when you involve liquor.

Marquis, Club guy, Dante whoever, slowly sauntered towards me; he then cast his blue seas upon me, with a smirk tugging the corner of his lips.

He questioned my laughing, “Women, what do you find so humorous?”

“Nothing,” I murmured containing my laughter and club guy extends his hand. Hesitating briefly, my heart racing up a notch or two, I glance up at him taking in his uncanny brine and sharply take in a breath. I accept his help, our fingers touching for a moment and I felt a current of something escaping into my fingers and up my arm. Instinctively I pull back my hand falling back down and club guy is watching me, his entrancing pearly blue swallows me with interest.

I inhale and exhaled, nervously.

Dante’s gaze locks on mine, “Is there a joke I’m missing?”

“I don’t know,” I answered trying to make sense of what just happened. Did he feel it too?

He mused, “It’s called drunkenness,”

“I’m not drunk”

“You’re drunk,”

“Nooo, I’m not!” I am so drunk.

“You can’t even walk.” Dante heeded watching me, with his waggish blue eyes refusing to ease his lips into a full smirk and it bugged me.

Another giggle managed to escape, “Fine, I may be a little intoxicated.”

Dante sighed with my recognition, “Woman you have officially addled brain.”

“Did you,” feel that? I wanted to ask but decided against it leaning my head between the wooden rail bars instead and taking in deep breaths, while everything spun slowly; and glancing up at the stranger our eyes touch for a brief moment- my cheeks flush and I look away.

There is no way that I felt that and he didn’t. Maybe it’s one of those situations when the person shocks you, they don’t feel it but of course you do. That’s what happened, he shocked me but there is no carpet up here, all hardwood flooring. Deliberately I glance at the stranger again, breathing in deeply and admiring every inch of him.

I said biting down on my lip, “You’re not Marquis?”

“Dante,” he informs.

“Not woman, Justice.” I add just cause we’re throwing names around and taking in a deep breath I decide I can do this and on a count to three, I try to get back on my feet. However, still using the railing for major support and with club guy watching my struggle and laughing at me with his leer.

I said, “Is there something you would like to say?”

Dante shakes his head, “Nope.” And looks away.

Now standing up I turn away myself, peering over the railing staring down at everyone hustling about down below and wondering why Dante is still here. The music was still blasting; everyone is enjoying themselves and amongst the crowd I see Jordan coming up stairs with a girl clinging to his arm and kissing his neck. Curiously I stretched over the railing to see them disappear unto the first floor and I was instantly infuriated. I couldn’t believe who he was with and out of all the bitches here.

Dante grabbed the back of my shirt as I charged off down stairs, “Where are you going?” he questioned.

I hissed, “That’s none of your business!” I’ll be damned if I’m going to let her hold this over my head too!

I think of Erin as a female praymantis and Jay is about to get an execution.

“Cock blocking isn’t cool,” he followed behind me and how did he know my intentions?

However, I murmured. “I’ll cock block Jay’s ass any day when it has to do with certain individuals,” And just as I reached down stairs I saw the bedroom door close behind them. I pushed open the door to find Erin on top of Jordan not wasting any time; and her head turned, twisting more than naturally and she growled at me. I was instantly sobered.

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