Chapter 22

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I didn't react instantly because my brain was in shock. I remember thinking before Dante released his grip, that I did not like his tone. It sent a tremor down my spine, my insides curled with disapproval, more displeasure I hadn't thought was possible and what made me fear him then, was that there was not a trace of remorse for his intended actions.

I screamed jumping up after a few moments to take in what had just happened.

"Why did you do that!?" and pushing him aside I glanced out of the window to see Erin's body lying in the parking lot behind my home. And of course a body falling out of a window caught the attention of students who were chilling by their cars and I saw them one by one rushing over to confirm their eyes.

Quickly I moved from the window, glancing at Jordan who still was knocked out and finally I turned my disheartened attention to Dante.

He shrugs backing up, "What?" oblivious to his obvious actions.

"What!" I echo abashed.

"What did you want me to do?" I was not appreciating the nonchalant attitude and I don't know if I can stress enough the fear that has rooted inside of me.

I murmured. "Not throw her out of the window!" there was heavy emphasis on the word 'window' and it came out high-pitched and my voice broke. My tears fell away uncontrollably.

Dante nudged Jordan with his foot, "This is what happens when you cock block."

"Don't do that," I demand frantic at his kick. "And you can't be serious," my hands came up to my face and I buried myself in them as if they would erase everything I saw tonight.

Dante adds, "And I didn't throw her, it was a simple, drop." I didn't add a handful of salt, a simple pinch would suffice. Ugh. This can't be happening.

"A simple drop!" I yelled in my hands, "That's how you see it!?" And I dropped my arms to my waist. "I don't know what universe you crawled out of but a simple drop of another person, is not simple." And I narrowed my gaze on him, then to redirect the tension I could feel building, I glanced down on Jordan who was moving to some extent.

I said leaving the room, "I'm going to call the cops."

And before I even reached the room door, it closed and Dante was in front of me. "I implore that you reconsider," he murmured bleak leaning back against the door and he gazed off into the ceiling as if he was aggravated with me. This makes no sense, because he was the one who tossed my friend out of the window. He can't be possibly annoyed with me!

Backing up slowly I mumbled trying to control my quivering tone, "How did you do that?"

The corner of Dante's lips tugged upwards slightly, "It's my little secret." And his blue eyes fell on me then- his black hair fell away into his face.

I warned, "I'll scream."

Dante's laugh was derisive and it made me angry, yet scared that my threats had little to no effect. "Don't mean to frighten you more than the state you are in now, but no one will hear those screams." And he was referring to the loud music in the house.

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