Chapter 11

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  Kailah and I both exchanged glances and hurriedly found our way downstairs. We made breakfast, watched some more of the news with Danny Reeds explaining how everything exploded. Something about the Toronto power generators and circuits frying.

             When Danny Reeds went to commercial, I didn't know what to think and in the background more Christmas commercials swarmed the station.

             Kailah said, checking her phone, “I dunno, but last night was really messed up. Have your heard anything from Erin?” I shook my head.

             Messed up was an understatement. Maybe it wasn’t Erin, maybe a lookalike?

             I tried not to put too much thought on last night, since there was still a faint ringing in my ear. “What happened between you and Nathan?”

             Kailah shrugged, “Nothing.”

             “Nothing,” I echoed. “He didn’t hit on you, try to get you alone, slip his hands up your dress, down your dress?” I didn’t trust the boy but that didn’t mean I shouldn’t trust my sister. Truth be told, she was a lot smarter than me and Mya at her age. Mya was always into bad boys and I fell for Calvin, so Kailah’s track record was golden. 

             Soon after, my little sister informed me that she was meeting up with some of her friends, and upstairs in my room where I left my phone were multiple missed calls from Nicolle and Audrina. There were a few from Jordan but he’s a guy, so he doesn’t stalk my cell phone. There was one other missed text message from Calvin. And just as I about to jump in the shower, the door ell rang and my mom was calling for me.

             I quickly threw whatever on, heading back downstairs and I pretty much had good idea of who it was; and low and behold there was my two best friends—Vanilla and Chocolate.

             Audrina and Nicolle both entered, greeting my mother and taking off their winter coats and boots. My mom offered them some hot chocolate, they accepted and I invited them upstairs into my bedroom.

             Nicolle’s first words were, as I closed my bedroom door, “Have you watched the news?” And we went over last night’s events, mostly trying to understand what exactly happened but it wasn’t anything that any one of us could grasp so easily. Audrina threw in that in twenty-twelve the world is coming to end and that was probably the most we could come up with on that topic.

             Audrina also touched lightly on Erin, which was unavoidable because Erin and I also used to be really close but that’s another topic all to itself. I told her that I had not a clue and assumed that, if anything, I would know eventually. Both girls wanted me to indulge in what happened with Calvin, but since they were both present at the time, there wasn’t much to that topic that they didn't know.

             Mom brought up hot chocolate and I took that opportunity to tell them about Selena Sanchez, who Mya had dragged me to see. I told Audrina and Nicolle her predictions, leaving out that I may or may not die within the next year or so. Needless to say both girls were quite excited and Audrina wanted her number. I didn’t know Selena’s number and promised that whenever Mya got back I would pass on the message. I had an idea of where Selena lived/worked but I didn't want to go back there. It was too freaky for my blood.

             Nicolle questioned, “So, did you find your soul-mate?” She was in the mirror, fixing her dark brown, shoulder length hair that was now getting all fuzzy from the wet snow earlier on.

             I rolled my eyes, “If you count the short guy from the bar who wanted to buy me a drink. the bartender, Liam”—I swear before I left he wanted to give me the whole bottle of liquor—“And then there is the class ‘A’ asshole.” I continued to tell them that the last guy, the prick, seemed oddly familiar to me but his level of rudeness cancelled him out of the running. And then there is the underdog, my ex-boyfriend. I have officially discredited Selena Sanchez.

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