Chapter 10

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My eyes flung open only to be blinded by the bright sun rays, shining in through a window to the right of me and, as my eyes adjusted, I heard words being whispered through a long strange hallway, echoing words that I couldn't make out. My feet began to step forward. First the left foot then the right, slowly and cautiously my body paced ahead and unwillingly my head angled, studying the beautiful mastered paintings on wall.

 This long strip was decorated with elegant side tables, a tall ceiling at least thirty feet high with artistic angelic characters painted on the surface and the windows to the right of me were basically just as high as the ceiling, with long, thick, burgundy drapes with gold trimming.    

 I heard the voice once again, up against my skin, and my hair rose. I then heard the scream of a woman; it was a horrible cry and outside grew dark like when a storm is brewing. Thunder roared and lightening clashed. The windows shattered and I flinched, feeling the little shards cutting my face.

  A wooden double door at the far end of the hallway broke open and the words Goodbye isn't forever came rushing at me, nearly knocking me off my feet and I noticed someone standing in the dark room. He said, “Our goodbye wasn’t meant for evermore.” I felt the tears streaming down my cheeks as books came flying out of that dark room then, literally with wings, flying around me. My feet picked up speed and I was running, excited to be in the arms of the person hiding in the shadows. I ran straight into the darkness and fell into a dark abyss. The dress I was wearing tangled around my legs as I screamed falling and falling deeper into the rabbit's hole.  

 Groaning, I rolled over looking at my clock on the nightstand—it was half past ten. I sighed lazily, forcing myself out of bed, slipped on my robe and headed straight to my bathroom, dragging my feet. I pulled my hair up into a loose ponytail, washed my face and, while brushing my teeth, I wandered back into my room turning on my TV to Breakfast Television. Sitting on the edge of my bed impatiently, I waited for the Christmas commercials to finish and I went over my mental list of everyone who I’d bought Christmas presents for, hoping that I didn’t leave anyone out. Breakfast Television came back to air and a male reporter – Danny Reeds – was talking about an event that happened in downtown Toronto.

 I was downtown last night.

 He continued talking about some weird events that took place and that there was one victim, a girl who they found by the docks, she was still alive and the homeless guy’s dead body was pulled from the lake. They say he escaped from the psychiatric ward—I had a dream similar to those events.

 Danny Reeds began to stop people on the sidewalk and question them about the events similar to my dream. With my toothbrush still in my mouth, I picked up my phone and saw multiple missed text messages.

 Calvin sent: Call me when you get this.

 Audrina: OMG!! What a night. Call me when you get up.

 Jay: Call me as soon as you wake up!

 Nicolle: My head hurts, so I know yours must too. I’ve been taking Advil since I got up this morning. Call me, are you okay?

 Instead of following the instructions all of them seemed to have requested, I changed the channel to at least three other news stations, and all stations had the same story.

 Last night wasn’t a dream.

 No way! I hurriedly washed out my mouth, and found my way down the hall into Mya’s old room, which is now the guest room. There was a persistent ringing in both of my ears that wouldn’t go away. I knocked on my older sister’s door first and when there was no response I entered and it was empty.

 Kailah said, coming up the stairs, “She left early this morning.”

 “Where did she go?”

 “I dunno.” she shrugged.

 Kailah is basically the boy that daddy never got. Kailah had her hair up in a ponytail; sweats and a wife beater was pretty much her choice of clothing and hair style, twenty-four-seven. But still she was the kind of girl who still enjoyed dressing up and looking girly.

 I questioned Kailah about what happened last night and what she told me was basically the same information that all the news stations were talking about. But that would be insane, because if I remember correctly, the noise came out of that so called homeless guy. Do I even hear the words that are racing through my mind? A human being isn’t capable of making such a noise.

  “Jelly Bean you’re up,” said my father, passing Kailah and I in the hallway. He was all sweaty and had a towel thrown over his shoulders. We had a home gym in the basement and when he leaned in to hug me, I backed away.

  “Aw dad you’re gross,” I murmured wrinkling my nose at his clammy smell.

  He frowned, “This is a manly smell.”

 "Kailah said, “Dad go take shower.” And she pushed him away as well.

 “Your against me too, lahlah?” he questioned and when he saw Mom coming upstairs he spoke to her. “Tell our girls that my smell is manly.”

  Mom came over in her silk robe, hair in a high messy bun, and hugged dad from behind, and planted a kiss on his neck. “Hunny, you need to take a shower.” And she linked arms with our father, dragging him towards their bedroom while he grumbled something about why did life curse him with four females. Their bedroom door closed behind them, but not before we heard Mom giggling and got a small glimpse of her silk robe falling to the floor.

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