Chapter 45- Special Chapter of Idiocy

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NOTE: Because of all the notifs I've gotten for the past year or so, it was really difficult to even scroll down to the bottom of my notifs, so I turned this into a special chapter, and Chapter 50 has kinda been transferred here. Sorry for the long wait!

Me: The time has finally come for the new chapter! Hurray! 

*awkward silence*

Me: *coughs* Well, first I will be introducing our guests. First we have Miyuki, our main star and lead!

Miyuki: Haven't we done this before?

Me: Don't you remember the dedication chapter? Idiot.

Miyuki: Oh. Right.

Me: Next we have everyone's loved Kuroko Tetsuya!"

*audience cheers*

Tetsu: Hello everyone. Nice to meet you.

Me: Then we have Midorima Shintaro, better known as Megane Shincarrot!

Midorima: My name is NOT Megane Shincarrot.

Me: When did I say it was? Just get up on stage. Next we have Akashi Seijuro, another loved man!

Warning. This is not part of plot. Akashi Seijuro did not snap out of it and return back to normal. He is still in shock.

Akashi: You didn't need to add that warning.

Me: Hmm?? Of course I did. Next we have Aomine Daiki, the perverted freak!

Miyuki: That's right that's right!

Aomine: That is so not true!

Me: When did you turn into a hormonal teenage girl? Anyway, next we have Kise Ryota.

Kise: You're not going to give me your opinion of me Authorcchi?

Me: You want my opinion? Then... Here is Kise Ryota, the pretty boy who has no brains!

Kise: Ehh so mean... TT~TT

Me: Be quiet for now, Kise. I'll praise you during the show, okay?

Kise: *brightens up* Okay!

Me: Right. Last, we have Akiyama Katashi, who is completely irrelevant to the plot, apart from a slight threat to the AkaMiyu ship!

Katashi: A slight threat? And when did they get that ship name?

Me: Just now. It's cute, isn't it?

*Murmurs of agreement*

Me: Well, now we have our cast!

Aomine: So... What are we doing.

Me: I don't know. What can you do?

Everyone except me: Basketball.

Me: Basketball freaks.


Kise: People who like anime aren't necessarily weebs!

Kuroko: Kise-kun, I'm surprised you know what 'weeb' means.

Kise: Of course I do! 

Kise: ...

Kise: What does it mean?

Me: Just- Just search it up on Google. 'kay?

Kise: Yeah, yeah, yeah...

Me: Anyways... Let's have a chat.

Aomine: Whatever. I'll just be going now...

Me: No, you will stay here! Do you know how important this chat is? This is a story where people go through a lot of traumas and doesn't even make sense!

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