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So.........................this is what my life has come to................how fun....

So, anyway, my name is Gabrielle. I have a friend that says I'm the GerIta child, so for the lols imma gonna call Italy and Germany my parents, it doesn't make sense because I'm from neither of those countries (had some difficulties writing that :p), I'm Welsh....and apparently I have a Welsh accent to other people, but to myself I don't think I sound welsh. I know some welsh, which is fun............ Helo, Gabrielle dwi, dw i'n un deg tri oed  (hello, im gabrielle, im thirteen years old) so, yay... languages are fun..... but I do know some Japanese, Spanish, Italian and German only because of hetalia and all the fanfictions ive been reading because they have stuff in different languages (also other animes). anyway I just wanted to say something about me so you all know who you're dealing with, so.................... bye and hope you enjoy!!!!!!

hETALIA cRACK!!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin