My own headcanon

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I actually have no idea if this is an actual headcanon, but if it is.....WOOPS!!

Anyway, so I've seen headcanons where they list people's sexuality, and most say that Italy is straight/bisexual, and I was just thinking that Italy is actually homosexual. Now, my evidence.

I think Italy is a homosexual because when he was little, he kissed Holy Roman Empire and he knew he was a boy (because, like, Holy Roman Empire didn't know that Italy was a boy, thought he was a girl, so thought it was alright so kiss Italy, but Italy knew he was a boy but kissed him anyway). So yeah, hopefully that made sense, I think I explain it better when I'm actually saying it, because my friends got it in an instant.

Also, another thing to add is that some headcanons also say that Germany is homosexual and I've just said that Italy is homosexual so..........GERITA IS CANON!!!!!!!!!

😊😊😊 I'm so happy!!!! My parents relationship was real all along!!!!!

Anyway, imma gonna go now, I'm supposed to be asleep... Bye!~

hETALIA cRACK!!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz