How To Make Tea (like a brit)

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England: I know what everyone's thinking.

Everyone: What are they thinking? (Note the sarcasm)

England: They are thinking,"England, how do you make your tea so great? Well, I'm going to show you.

America: Actually, I've never heard anyone ask tha-

England: YOU WILL NEED!...
            A Teabag
            A Mug (or a cup if you're being fancy)
            A Kettle (or anything you can boil water with)
            A Teapot (if you don't have one, then a coffee pot will do or a jug if you seriously have nothing better)
            Milk, preferably semi-skimmed (unless you want it black but that's weird)
            Water, tap water is fine
            A Teaspoon

Got all that?

Gabrielle: Actually what was the fourth thing ag-

England: Ok, first things first...

Gabrielle: (why do I even try :( )

England: Pour water in the Kettle. Boil it! Then get your mug and your milk and pour 1cm/half an inch of milk into your mug. The exact amount of milk you want is a personal preference. I like my tea strong so I put in less. Simple.

Gabrielle: I like mine milky because then the milk can cool the tea down so I can drink it faster.

England: Are you interrupting me again?!

Gabrielle: Sorry! >_<

England:...Anyway. Put your teabag in your teapot... not the other way around because that would be silly.
            Is your water boiled? If it isn't then well done, you're faster than me! *Gabrielle and America look at each other in the background thinking "what?"* Pour the water in the teapot, again not the other way around because you can't pour a teapot. Now you wait...

Gabrielle: Or if your a lazy "git" like him, you can just squeeze the teabag.

England: That's not true! *says while squeezing the teabag, but notices that we're all looking at him doing it and throws  the teabag out the window*.....well I do more than you! comment.....

England: Anyway, still waiting......

Gabrielle: Actually I've already finished making my t-

England: Good! After 3 of 4 minutes your tea should have brewed (the longer you brew the tea, the stronger it gets by the way). Pour the tea into the mug, you can stir it if you want but I don't even bother. Now taste the tea. Too bitter? Add a teaspoon of sugar and taste again. Keep on adding sugar as required but anymore than 3 teaspoons is pushing it, really.

You have probably made a decent cuppa.

Russia: *comes out of no where wearing that yellow dress and throwing confetti aggressively*

Gabrielle: *just slowly.......walks..........away..............*

*in an alternate universe*

Romano: *innocently walking then gets a teabag thrown onto his head* AHH! WHAT THE HELL!! WHERE DID THAT COME FROM!!!............ LA SUA CAZZO DI CALDO, CRISTO GESÙ!!!

Italy: Fratello, watch your language!

Romano: But this came out of no where..... *pouts*

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