Headcanon 1

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Because we all love Headcanons, am I right?
I especially love this one because I just think it's nice...anyway here it is...

People wonder why Lovino hates Ludwig so much.
And there's one reason and one reason only...               


When they were younger and finally managed to see each other again, all that happened between them was Feli crying nonstop and blabbering on and on about Holy Roman Empire leaving him.

Lovino sat there quietly and just let his brother spill out his feeling to him, but couldn't help but let a string of hate course through him.

After that whole fiasco, Lovino vowed to himself that he would never let anyone hurt his precious little brother again.

Seeing him so...devastated was just heart wrenching to watch.

So when Ludwig came into the picture, and he noticed how happy Feli was being around him, his brotherly instincts kicked in and he doesn't want the macho potato getting too close.

...his brother has suffered enough heartbreak...

See and everyone thinks Romano is heartless...of course he's not....everyone has feelings...

Anyway gonna read some fanfictions, still got mpregs to read (yes I read them) so......bye!

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