Another friggin a/n

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IM SORRY I MUST BE THE WORST AUTHOR IN THE FRIGGIN WORLD (oh but the authors that just stop halfway through the fanfic and haven't updated in like three years, ugh, they annoy me...ok I may not be the worst in the whole world but I'm one of the worst)

I love you guys!!!! Thank you for sticking with me when I say I'm gonna do something when I don't but eventually do like...three years later 😂

Anyway...I haven't been updating because I've been in London, I had fun, I would definitely do it again.

Also...I hope you all don't mind 2P...cause I have a lot of those on my camera roll that I wanna get rid of so I was like ".........well may as well put them on here.... No one will mind as long as it's hetalia..." So yeah, prepare for like... A lots....I those....

Ok will update tomorrow but no promises 😂

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