Insult competition

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Is it just me? Or am I the only person that thinks that England and France would both tie in an insult competition?? Here's a few examples:

"You wine-loving tool!"

"Cheese-eating surrender monkey!"



"He's my brother for sure Frenchie!"

"'Your' brother would have died of exposure or killed himself by now!"

"Wow, I look exactly like you: a big douche-bag."

"Can it Pepe le Pew."

"British-scum-jerkwards. Le boo!"

"So then I told France exactly what he could do with his baguette."




"Well good luck trying not to be such a complete loser-adieu!"

"Look on the bright side, at least you won't smell like drunken cheese anymore."

"Are you trying to imply there might be something wrong with my hair, sir?"

"I don't know, that depends on whether you think looking like a little punk is wrong."

"In case you don't know, I hate you."

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