Sadly...true story

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Right this was a true story when I was in school. Lemme get you started. So in school, at the start of every year, we talk about this book and read it (in English) and if it has a movie, we watch the movie. So we were talking about the book 'Private Peaceful' (for some reason didn't know how to spell private, spelt it privete and privite...) by Michael Morpurgo (I think that's how you spell his name) and turns out it has a movie. So I went into my English classroom without knowing I had a substitute teacher... Now what I did my other teacher would let me, but this one didn't. Now pretend I'm Prussia, because he would probably be the one who would do this:

Prussia: *walks into class*

The room is dark


Teacher: Get out

Class: *laughs*

Now I wanna say it the way it actually happened. It's basically me saying what happened up there again, so you can skip if you want. So I walked into the classroom, everything was dark so I wanted to be scary so I went "OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH" really loudly, and I didn't know i had a different teacher in in my English class, if it was my regular English teacher, she would've let that slide, because she's nice, instead this other teacher didn't and just said "get out" then the whole class started laughing. The film wasn't even on, so I didn't do anything to spoil it. I hadn't even been in the class for one second and she's already telling me to get out, and I still had my bags on my back and everything. So I went outside, and this other teacher (who's in all of my classes because he has to be with this boy, idk why) walked round the corner (his name is Mr Bolum, but it sounds like Gollum, so....Mr Gollum...... There's also this other teacher in my school called Miss Segadeli, and to me it sounds like Tagletelli, so I call her that 😛) and he asks me what I'm doing outside, so I told him then he just walked inside the class. I stood in front (for some reason autocorrected to infringement) of the door as if asking if I could go back in, no one answered so I kinda just threw my arms in the air and everyone started laughing again. And you'll never believe it but then another teacher walked round the corner with this other woman, and the teacher said "you will sometimes find them outside on the corridor, like this for example" and she pointed to me, I'm like "EXCUSE ME" because that was the first time I actually got sent out, so I felt quite offended. Ten minutes later the teacher came out the classroom and said that I could go back in, tbh I didn't really care anymore I missed ten minutes of the movie because of her. So I got home and told my mum so it was like:
"Oh, mam, guess what happened today?"
"I got sent out of class"
"I thought it was funny"
"Well I don't think that's very funny"
And the look on her face was just priceless, and I was just looking at her smiling, so what I usually do when I do something, I went up to her and went "love you mam" she still didn't say anything so I just walked off and did what I usually do 😊

Also, yesterday when I was home alone because everyone had work, I made cupcakes for bonfire night, and they were all gone so I was proud of that.

I'll be making another chappy in a sec, I wanna tell you guys something else, I'm sorry but the next chapter isn't really hetalia either, I just wanna say it because it's weird. Bye~

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