My weird dream (not hetalia)

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So, I just woke up (kinda) and I had the weirdest dream. So me and four people (idk who they were, just some random people) wanted to go get a Chinese but it was full so we couldn't.

Then there was this ocean like thing and lots of people were in there. There was this one specific dood who was trying not to sink while holding those net ring things in basketball, netball etc, and for some reason he didn't sink. Everyone was trying to get out of the water but there was ice (2 meters) that was blocking people from getting over.

Now back to the Chinese, there weren't that many people no so we finally went in and the owner said something (idk what it's called but I know what you do)  so we all went into this room and took off our t shirts, (and bras for girls) and for some reason the two girls (me and this other one) had hoodies which we were allowed on so we wouldn't show....anything. So girls were wearing hoodies and the boys were just shirtless, then we started running around this building...

And that was it...

For some reason I'm having a lot of weird dreams... But oh well, they're funny so it doesn't matter.


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