more weird dreams

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I swear... I should make this into a series or something...

I had three in eight hours and I don't know how that happened.

1. So, Norway started following me on instagram and subscribed to my YouTube channel. Both of his accounts were about the Sims, but on his instagram, all he had were pictures of sans from undertale.

2. So, me and these dudes were in a tree, and one of them was throwing down vines which looked like ladders for us to climb up on so we could climb the trees. One of the other people went on one specific vine and then the scene changes to when we were all at school, we were eating lunch and talking about that dude that went on that one specific vine... he fell off.

3. I don't really remember much about this one, but you had lights in your hand (they were like torches) and you had to shine them up in the air to show you were a part of this "army" thing. Idk...

So that was it bye~

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