Time went on and it got worse. They got more public about their relationship and I had already seen news papers saying 'Suga and Joy's relationship falling apart?' It was all stupid and I knew it.

"Hey Jackson." I greeted as I moped into the café." I hung up the jacket Suga had bought me and put on my apron.

"You're always moping around now. I swear, you need to dump pink hair." He shook his head.

"It's not that." I lied.

"Fine, then look at this." I looked at what Jackson was holding and there was the news paper. I quickly looked away. "I knew it. You're lying." He shook his head, putting the news paper back.

"Jackson, this doesn't concern you." I shook my head.

"Yes it does. Look at yourself!" He exclaimed pointing to me. "You deserve better." He said.

"You sound like my dad."

"Then maybe your dad is right." Jackson said putting his hand on his hip like a disappointed mother.

"I know." I admitted.

"Why would you like a guy like him?" Jackson asked.

"What do you mean a guy like him?" I asked.


"We talked about it." I said placing the blame on myself.

"Did you?" He asked.

"Yep." I said.

"So you kinda just thought 'yeah my idol boyfriend cheating on me with another idol girl- when he is actually just boosting her popularity not his own- is just great'." He mocked.

"I wasn't thinking that way." I shook my head.

"You guys didn't talk about it, did you?" He smiled, knowing he probably won.

"Yes- I mean no- wait no I mean- now I'm confused." I pouted.

"So you didn't talk to him, did you?" He questioned.

"No." I whispered.

"Wow, what a jerk." Jackson shook his head.

"It's not his fault." I said, defending Suga.

"Yes, yes it is." Jackson said calmly.

"You don't know anything." I muttered.


After a long and silent shift I was able to go home. I put my apron away and got the jacket Suga had gotten me. I got all of my belongings and started to leave.

"Wait Yi seul!" Jackson called from inside the café.

"What?" I asked looking back at him.

"It's a bit chilly outside I could walk you home." He offered, smiling at me. This reminded me of Suga when he would offer to drive me home. I decided to take the offer because I couldn't stand another quiet walk home where all I could think of was Suga. So I smiled as he quickly got his things and started the longish walk.

---3rd person POV---

Jackson was happy to walk Yi seul home. He knew that Suga wasn't good for her. He wanted to do something- no, he needed to do something, but not now. Yi seul enjoyed the walk home in which Jackson actually had made her laugh for the first time in forever. She enjoyed the feeling of laughter and being able to smile and having the image and taste and even the feel of that girl kissing her Suga out of her mind. Yi seul had enjoyed it so much that she hadn't realized the familiar car that drove by, she didn't realize when the car stopped and someone got out, she didn't realize how the person's face had fallen when he saw her and Jackson laughing. She had even enjoyed it so much she didn't realize Jackson was holding her hand. It felt natural to Yi seul, but that was because her mind had made her forget that this was Jackson, not Suga. She laughed at the things he said, only imagining that this was her Suga holding her hand as they walked side by side. As they walked by the man who had gotten out of his car with tears in his eyes as he watched them go by she didn't even spare him a glance. Yi seul was too far into her own fantasy world where this was her Suga.

The helpless man could only stare as they walked by. He had been so excited and now he wished he'd never come. He hated himself for coming. He wished he could erase his memory of the two walking home together hand-in-hand. He felt betrayed. Was this how she had felt? Betrayed? Miserable? Like a bent bottle cap that he couldn't get back on the stupid bottle no matter how hard you tried? He felt sick, but he couldn't move. The image of the two stayed in his mind. As he looked around him he saw all of the other people. They were living their lives as if nothing was happening. Couldn't they see he was in pain? That he had just been betrayed? How dare they keep walking; living life like normal while he was in so much pain? He couldn't wrap his head around it. He wanted to scream at them to stop and acknowledge his pain and feel the way he felt. He knew he couldn't. He knew they didn't know nor did they really care. So what did he do as he wiped his tears away and gathered what was left of his dignity and pride? He got in his car. He looked to his passenger seat. He thought that just for once second he could smell her perfume. He shook his head to clear his mind of the idea of the way she smelled or the way her hand felt in his or the way her chapstick tasted or the way she smiled or how she looked in the clothes he bought her or how her laugh sounded or the way her voice gave him chills. He put his foot on the gas and he sped off. If there was one thing that he was sure of in this entire messed up and horrible world he knew that she was his. And no one could take her away from him, because she was always his peach.

Hi, so today is my birthday. Happy birthday to me! So, anyway we have 3 more chapters and I kinda wanted to end it next Monday, but I don't know if I want to wait that long so, tell me how long you want to wait for the last 3 chapters, okay? Okay. I guess I'll see you next time!

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