--- Yi seul's POV---

I smiled as I closed the door behind me, but as the silence of my apartment made itself known my smiled dropped. I missed Suga so much and I couldn't tell him.

I was just with Jackson, but I knew in the back of my mind I was thinking "pretend it's Suga, that's a good way to cope.".

Why do I feel this way? So tired. It's not because he's gone, but it is because I don't feel like he's mine anymore, but I'm just so tired. So, I went to bed. I crawled into bed without even changing and I closed my eyes. The hardest part was probably trying not to cry. Then I relaxed and felt myself start to fall asleep when someone knocked at my door. I immediately opened my eyes; startled by the sudden knocking.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" I called. I opened the door rubbing my eyes to see Suga. "Suga?" I asked as I looked at him.

"What was that?" He asked seeming mad.

"What?" I asked, clearly confused and tired.

"I saw you two. Holding hands and laughing." He said.

"What?" I was honestly confused. And then I remembered. "Oh! Jackson. Right. Yeah, that was nothing. He was walking me home." I shrugged.

"Don't play that game." He seemed mad and frustrated.

"What game?" I asked. "At least he's here! Able to walk me home and, oh yeah, not having a scandal!" I retorted.

"You know I don't have a choice!" He said.

"Yes you do! You can end it! But your not going to because the longer it stays and the more popular she gets the more money you get, correct?" I said.

"This isn't about me." He shook his head.

"Yes it is! You wanna know why he walked me home? Because you aren't here! I get it you have work, but I can smell her from here!" I said.

"Yi seul! I came here for you!" He defended himself.

"Suga." I said becoming weak and my voice cracking. I walked into his chest with my hands over my face and he put his arms around me. After a long hug I showed him into the living room.

"You have eye bags." He pointed out as we sat on the couch.

"I know."

"And you're super skinny."

"I know."

"And pale."

"I know."

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"I'm tired." I said.

"I know." He said. "But what's wrong?" He asked.

"I missed you." I said.

"I missed you too, but you need to take care of yourself." He said sadly.

"Why are you here?" I asked; cocking my head to the side.

"I missed you and I have a few days off. Why are you changing the subject?" He said slightly smiling.

"Did you think I was cheating on you?" I asked, ignoring his question.

"A little." He shrugged.

"Does it suck to think that way?" I asked. He looked at me as if to ask me to be more descriptive in what I was asking. "Like, did you feel horrible, and betrayed, and miserable when you thought that way?" I asked.

"Yeah." He answered easily.

"If you feel that way then how do you think I feel?" I honestly asked.

"Betrayed, miserable, not enough, worthless, used-" I cut him off before he never stopped.

"Yes. So then why do you still do it?" I asked.

"I- I- They- I- I don't know." He sighed. "I love you with all of my heart, but they're paying a lot of money for us to do this and if I let them down-" He stopped himself as if thinking about what would happen if he let them (them being what i assumed was bighit) down.

I laid my head on his shoulder. He quickly picked me up off the couch and took me to my room. He laid me on the bed and crawled in next to me. He put my head on his chest and he wrapped his arms around me. He kissed the top of my head.

"Suga-" He cut me off.

"Let's just lay here, okay? Just lay here and enjoy the moment." He said as he hugged me tighter. I buried my head in his chest and then I smelled her. I quickly pulled my head away from his chest in disgust. "What's wrong?" He asked looking at me with concern.

"You smell like her." I said.

"Oh, I'm sorry." He looked away from me.

"Take a shower, I've got clothes for you." I said.

"Okay." He said as he got up kissing me on the forehead.

I smiled at him and he went and took a shower. I sighed as I went to get some clothes that he had left here. I took them out of his drawer.( I know, he has his own drawer in my room. That might be a bit weird. I don't know) I took out a t-shirt and some sweat pants. I could smell them. It was the way Suga usually smelled. There was something about his scent that made me feel comfortable and safe. After laying the clothes on the bed and getting back in bed he came out 5 minutes later. I quickly covered my eyes.

"You can change now." I said tightly closing my eyes. I could hear him lightly chuckling at my behavior.

I hear a bit of shuffling as he quickly changed and jumped into bed next to me.

"Better?" He asked. I slowly opened my eyes and smiled as I saw him. I ruffled his wet hair. We both laughed. I kissed him and we both laid back on the bed. I rested my head on his chest and went on my phone. I had gotten a text from Jackson.

'Remember what I told you, just do it, okay? It's best for you. No guy treats a girl that way.'

I sighed and shook my head.

"Who texted you?" Suga asked.

"Jackson." I shrugged.

"Do you mind me asking about what he texted you?" He asked.

"Just some stuff about you." I wasn't gonna bother lying to Suga.

"Like what?" He asked.

"The normal stuff that he's been telling me for the past who knows how long." He shrugged again.

"Oh." He sighed.

A/N I'M SORRY THIS IS LATE! I'VE BEEN BUSY! plz forgive me. Anyway, I was wondering what are your guy's theory on the "wings" short films? I believe that Jungkook is stuck in between life and death and is controlling the other members and that in the second video jimin is breaking free of Jungkook. Tell me your theory's because I'm interested in what you guys think about the short films. So, please tell me in the comments. Other than that, I'll see you next time!

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