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Newt's POV:

The group and I had just gotten to the Right arm and we're having our introductions. Not very many of us had made it this far. Just Me, Tommy, Min, and Fry, Teresa, Aris, and Y/N. Oh, And Jorge and Brenda. Y/N had been the first girl in the glade, and my best friend. Well along with Tommy and Min, Duh.

We learned many people's names in the right arm. The guys and I were sat up on a hill just looking around. I couldn't help but watch Y/N, I wanted to keep her safe. She'd made it this far and I wouldn't let anything happen to her. Anything. She was talking to Sonja by the bonfire down by the huts.

"Hey, uh where's Teresa?" Thomas broke me from my thoughts.

"Oh, she's just up there," I said. Thomas felt something strong for Teresa. He wanted her to be safe and happy. He wanted to give her a better life. Reminds me of how I feel for Y/N.

Thomas nodded and walked up to where Teresa was. I went back to watching Y/N while Minho and Frypan had a conversation I didn't hear at all. Suddenly Thomas came running down to us.

"Their coming," Thomas said out of breath an signaling to keep running.

"Who?" Minho asked jogging after Thomas who'd started running.

"Wicked." He said looking back to us.

"Shit, Y/N!" I instantly began sprinting as much as my leg burned. I was looking everywhere. My eyes darting place to place as I ran down the hill. The boys where yelling behind me, but I didn't care what they were saying. I kept running.

Suddenly there was a explosion in the center of the place. I stumbled back but then ran again, faster than before. I spotted Y/N running to a truck with Sonja. "Y/N!" I shouted over the commotion. She turned to look at me. Fear was booming in her eyes. I ran up to her and embraced her tightly

"There's no time for hugging love birds! Let's go!" Sonja yelled. We pulled from our hug and ran to the truck where we found guns. Thomas, Aris, Frypan, and Minho joined us. Suddenly there was another explosion. Flames had been spread and were high and everywhere. Thomas spotted Brenda across from us a ways. Thomas, Minho, and Y/N immoderately bounced to action. I tried to go with but Sonja grabbed my collar and said, "We have to be there eyes an shoot for them!"

So that's what we did. We shot every wicked guard that came near them. I was watching over Y/N and Minho and Sonja was watching over Thomas, Jorge, and Brenda. Then when everything was going right, my gun ran out of amo.

"Shit! Y/N! Minho! Run!" I yelled. They started sprinting our way but they both got shot with the wicked guards taser-like guns. I ran there way but got graves back by Thomas and Frypan.

"NO NO NO! Y/N! I LOVE HER! LET ME GO! MINHO! WE HAVE TO GET THEM!" 'I love her'? The truth slipped out. I didn't even know I loved her till just then when it came out of my mouth. Tears began to fog my vision. Pointless screaming came from my mouth. As if they'd let go of me. As if she'd hear me.

Once there was a gun in my hands I pulled my klunk together and began shooting like mad. Then our whole group was struck with the wicked guns which electrocuted us all. We were lined up on our knees as they scanned us reading of our 'subject' numbers, but I didn't spot Y/N or Minho anywhere.

After a few minutes of us lined up being kicked around Thomas sprang up getting out of the wicked guards hold. Frypan, Aris, and I followed springing up next to our friend.

"WHERE ARE THEY!?" Thomas yelled at Ratman.

"WHAT HE SAID!" "WHERE DID YOU TAKE THEM?" Frypan and Aris yelled along with other things.

"YEAH! WHERE IS BLOODY MINHO? WHERES Y/N?" I yelled. If Y/N was being hurt or anything along with that I would be SO raged.

"I knew that taking your friends would upset you. So I did. Join them, or we'll force you to." Ratman said crossing his arms.

Ava Paige arrived walking over and hugging Teresa.

"Teresa?" "What the hell Teresa?"

"She's with them." Thomas said looking to the ground.

Ava Paige rephrased what Ratman had said but I didn't pay too much attention. I was just searching around with my eyes to where Y/N could be. Then I spotted her. She was in the wicked air craft sat next to Minho. She spotted me and kicked the wicked guard closest to her several times. He turned and began hitting her. He hit her so many times. I began screaming and tried to run when Frypan and Aris grabbed me.

He kept hitting her. I could see the bruises being formed. She was crying and whimpering in pain. Minho was kicking and trying to stop the guard but the guard just stung him again. That's when they started loading people into the craft. The boys pulling me over to an area where they began shooting guns again. The craft flew away taking our friends with it.

I broke down sobbing on the floor. Y/N was in Wicked's hands. My love.

Hey so sorry if this wasn't too sad, but I still think it was pretty sad. Sadder ones coming in the future!

Is that a good thing?

No. No it's not.

Oh well! :')

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