You were the one

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Newt's POV

"Mum! I'm going out!"

"Okay Newt be safe!" My mom called back from the kitchen where she usually was at noon, washing dishes or making lunch, she always finds something to do.

I walked out the door to my parents house and shut it behind me. I unlocked my car and hopped in. (He's 16) I started up the engine and eventually pulled out of the driveway and went off to town.

I stopped at Walmart to grab a few things I needed then went to a few stores around it, Big 5, Nike, Game Stop, and a few other places.

After a while I was so bored I just wanted to eat. Soooo, that's what I did.

I went to McDonalds and ordered my food. I sat and waited until a worker called my order. I sat at a two seated table and chowed down.

Few minutes later

I finished my first burger and started unwrapping my second when a stunning girl walked into the place. I couldn't believe my eyes. Then I looked at hers.

I saw so much pain. How? How could a girl like that be in so much pain?

She walked to the register holding back tears. She ordered then waited in line like everyone else does. She took of her jacked and right away I saw a mark. Not a good mark a bad one. A really bad one. A bruise awfully large.

She was wearing a blue tee shirt under her coat along with jeans and a pair of converse. Her hair was down and slightly curled at the bottom like it was natural. Her converse were covered in mud. It was raining outside. Did she walk? She did not just walk here by herself. No ma'am.

She looked about 15 or 16. How could a beautiful girl with baby blue eyes and golden blonde hair be living what it looks to me like she is?

Her order was called and she grabbed her bag and walked out the door. I quickly put my food into my food bag and ran out the doors. I looked every way. Spun around in a circle. She was nowhere to be seen.

And just like that she was gone.

Sad Newt ImaginesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz