Who cares..? I do.

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"Newt?" I called into the partial building we'd been staying at in the Scorch.

I got no respond. Just quiet movements.

"Boyfriend?" I called. Yes Newt is my boyfriend. We've been dating since Id arrived in the glade last year.

After I called I heard noises. Human noises. Mourning human noises. Oh god. Oh god.

Chill Y/N, it's probably Thomas and Brenda.

God was I wrong.

I opened the door into the room which all our beds were in. There I saw something. Something a girlfriend would never want to see.

Newt with his shirt off, straddling Kya. Their lips were connected and to make it worse, Kya didn't have anything on except for a pair of under wear.

"W-what the f-fu-shuck?" I said tears threatening viciously to make an appearance.

Newt almost jumped when I talked. He detached his lips from Kya's and looked over to the doorway I was stood in. He got up from on top of her and started walked towards me. I immediately began walking down the hall of the building. I wasn't running or speed walking, just walking.

"Y/N!" I heard Newt call behind me. Everything seemed to be in slow motion. Everything around me was blurred. Sounds, walls, colors, and I smelt nothing.

"Y/N.." Newt said again as he grabbed my shoulder making me face him.

"Don't Newt." I said stronger than I thought.

"Y/N please." Newt pleaded.

"No. We are. Done. Okay? Now go fuck Kya." I said turning and continuing to walk down the hall way.

Newt kept yelling and ran after me a ways until there was a voice calling him-Kya.

I walked outside feeling nothing. I was numb.

"Y/N?" I heard a boy ask. Minho.

"M-Min" I shook and ran to him.

"Y/N/N, what's wrong?" I didn't answer Minho. I just kept hugging him. "Thomas! Get over here!" Minho yelled to Thomas who was instantly beside us.

"Y/N? What happened?" Thomas asked brushing some hair out of my face and rubbing my cheek slightly.

"N-Newt" I sobbed. Thomas was gone in a flash looking for Newt. Minho squeezed me tightly.

-one month later-

"I'm sorry Y/N/N. You didn't deserve it." Thomas said.

"Who cares?" I said looking down at my food.

Then I heard a voice in my head. That voice you hear all the time. The voice that tells you how you feel and what to do. Yes, I heard that one voice that pretty much controls you. The voice said:

"You do, stupid..."

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