When it was over

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                        Y/N POV

"We need to take a break or just end us." Newt said as a tear lined his cheek.

"What do you thinks best?" I choked back my sobs but me tears still fell.

"Break?" Tears slipped from Newt's eyes.

"Break." I agreed nodding my head letting out one faint sob.

3 weeks later

"Y/N. I don't see this w-working again." Newt choked on sobs.

"I-Is it H-Her? Did J-Jessica tell y-you to do t-this?" I sobbed.

"N-N-No Y/N.. I just-"

"I can't."


"I can't do this anymore Newt." I wiped my tears which didn't help at all cause more kept falling. "Goodbye N-Newt"

2 months later

I carefully climbed through my window trying not to make a single sound. As I slid in my tight black dress getting caught on the lock. I struggled undoing it hoping my parents and siblings were still sleeping.

Finally I got my dress off the lock. I finished sliding into my window-2 stories above the ground. Ive recently been going out at night when my family was asleep and getting home even later at night. If climb up the vines on the side of my house to get on top of the roof separating the 1st story and the 2nd. My window lay right above the separator by about 1 foot.

"Y/N?" Someone whispered once I was in my room and turned toward my window pulling it closed. I froze in shock. I slowly turned to see a boy sitting on my bed rubbing his eyes. Newt.

"Newt?" I whispered back. Widening my eyes trying to see if what I saw was real.

"Why are you getting home so late? Where were you?" Newt questioned. Luckily my older brother and I were the only kids with rooms upstairs. My Mom, Dad, 2 Younger twin brother, and Younger Sister live in the basement.

"Friends house." I lied as I turned back to my window and losing my curtains. I pulled my hair up and put it in a high messy bun with the hair tie that was on my wrist. I unhooked my necklace and begun unzipping my dress.

"I don't believe that. Which friend?" Newt said as he shuffled on my bed.

"Greg." I replied pulling my dress down uncovering me in only a bra and panties.

"Greg, Greg Tyson? The one who through the party tonight?"

"Yes. That Greg." I said irritated. I turned to face Newt. He looked concerned as he sat looking up at me from my bed. I slowly wrapped my arms to my bra strap. I was about the undo it when Newt spoke.

"Did you have sex?"

"What does it matter?"

"That's not what I asked."

"No I didn't have sex Newton. Happy?"

"I mean-Kinda."

I looked at the smirk on his face. This boy. I finally went back to undoing my bra. I did just that and slipped it off dropping it to the floor.

"Y-Y/N?" Newt stuttered as I walked towards him and pushed him to lay down on my bed.

"Not now Newt." I said biting my lip as I ran my hands under his shirt. I yanked his shirt over his head then dove for his pants.

"Y/N. What happened. You used to be so good. Now you sneak out. And frickin have sex with whatever guy wants it. I heard about Jacob, Minho, Jeff, Connor. Why? What happened. What changed?" Newt said pushing me off him.

"Everything. Everything Changed Newt. Ever since you left. When it was over I didn't know what to do. So I found an option. Drugs. Alcohol. Sex." I said as I backed up off my bed and walked to my walk in closet. I grabbed a bat man tee and bat man boxers. Newt's boxers from when we were dating to be exact. I slipped them on and went back out to Newt  who was sat now in my chair by my desk.

"Why didn't you tell me? Ask for help?"

"You were busy. With Jessica."


"Ask me to be your again or don't cause I'm so done Newt. So FREAKING done." I said.

"Be mine again."

"Finally Newton." I said making a gun with my fingers and fake shooting myself in the head.

"Don't Newton me" Newt said waving a finger in the air.

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