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This is a AU. You'll catch on.


Newt❤️: Hey love

Y/N⭐️: Hii Baby

Newt❤️: Wyd today?

Y/N⭐️: About to go over to my brothers place

Newt❤️: Oh fun, tell Lil Tommy hi for me

Y/N⭐️: I will!! Wish you were back from your family Vacation :(

Newt❤️: Me too My Girl. My flights tomorrow, not much longer <3

Y/N⭐️: I know, I just miss your face.

Newt❤️: I miss yours a lot more.

Y/N⭐️: Oh Mr. We've had this discussion five million times.

Newt❤️: Haha, How's baby doing?

Y/N⭐️: She's doing good, kicking a ton

Newt❤️: We need to come up with a name for her.

Y/N⭐️: I know I know

Newt❤️: Tory, Lynn, Hanna, Chrisi, Gabby, Riley, Willow.. I like Tory..

Y/N⭐️: Yeah, Tory is my favorite. Tory it is then?

Newt❤️: Tory it is :) I love you both so much

Y/N⭐️: We love you too.

Newt❤️: I gotta go my beautiful, I'll text ya before my flight, tomorrow love youuuu

Y/N⭐️: I love you toooooooo

~Next day~

Newt❤️: Just got to the airport love, how are my people?

Y/N⭐️: We are just fine, make sure to eat before your flight! Don't want my baby starving.

Newt❤️: I will! I love you my Angel, I'm boarding the plane soon. I'm gonna FaceTime you as soon as I land! Gotta save battery!

Y/N⭐️: Okie Dokie! I love you Newt! Bye Baby

Newt❤️: Goodbye my love, talk to you shortly <3

Those were Newt's last words as the plane he had boarded crashed leaving all but 10 of the 100+ passengers and employees dead. Y/N gave birth to a healthy baby girl, Tory Lynn. Newt will never be forgotten. He was an amazing friend, lover, and savior. He didn't deserve what happened that dreadful day. We miss you.


That hurt

Why did I think of this story




Why McKennah


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