What if i loved you?

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I walked down the paved road. Looking side to side. Checking around me. Making sure I'd be okay. All I could see was the meadow in the distance and the old house we used to stay at. I walked slightly faster.

I was running away. Away from my problems. Away from my family. Away from the people who literally saved me. Away from the good I thought was bad.

But.. I couldn't run forever. The things I was running from was all in my head. Twisting and turning and slowly killing me. Killing me from the inside.

My thoughts were deadly and evil. The good ones pushed to the back.

The pain in my head grew worse minute by minute. Throbbing. And throbbing. And throbbing. The pain in my foot grew. The spot where the knife hit me. The spots where the beetle blades had struck back. The places in my heart that could never be fixed.

I walked down the road. Now looking behind me every few steps. The calls from behind of them calling my name.

I put it all aside now. I walked looking only forward. Trying to forget the way I loved him. Trying to forget the way he loved me. Trying to forget the way I broke him.

Part 2?
Part 2 would be the whole story from the beginning..

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