Stay with me

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Newt's POV
"AHHH!" A girl screamed from the far side of the glade. It sounded like whoever screamed was in the dead heads.

There was only one girl in the glade, y/n. The most beautiful person to ever walk the planet. She was new around her, she was training to become a medjack. Her and I had grown extremely close.

Her eyes were the deepest color of blue and the most perfect shape. She had long, blonde hair with slight shades of red hidden. Her body was perfectly curved. Her smile was gorgeous and I could stare at it for hours.

She was my best friend.

I ran as soon as I realized what was going on. That was y/n screaming.

I approached the woods but was held back by almost every boy I know. The gladers were all gathered around looking at something. That something being y/n.

Y/n was on the ground being held down by something. There were the more important gladers standing around her. Minho, Alby, Jeff, and Thomas. I instantly pushed and shoved to where y/n lay.

She was under neath a huge tree branch. There was blood spilling from the large scrapes in her stomach. I looked at her in complete shock. My eyes flooded with tears. Then, her eyes met mine. Her eyes that had been scared and in pain soothed. They changed from something horrible to something wonderful. It was almost like she wasn't in pain. Like everything was perfect. Then she smiled her sweet smile at me. This girl has my heart.

"Newt.." She whispered. That voice is my favorite sound. Then it hit me, I would do anything to protect her. Anything to save her. What do I do?

I looked around to see the guys all looking at me.

"What're we gonna do smart one?" Minho asked sassily and fearful as ever.

"Idk what we're gonna do.. but let's get her out of here."

"Sounds like a plan." Thomas said with a nod positioning himself at the end of the branch.

The five of us grabbed parts of the branch lifting it with all our strength. Boys joined in and soon enough we had the branch in the air off y/n.

Once the tree branch was gone, y/n's cuts showed extremely more. They were the scariest things I've ever seen.

"Newt.." Y/n said looking to me and trying to motion me over with her hand. Which looked like it took all her energy.

I was by her side in milliseconds. Holding her cold hands and moving a strand of hair from her face.

"Hey you." I said as a tear slipped from my eye.

"Why are you crying?" She asked like nothing was wrong.

"Don't leave me, o-okay?" I stuttered.

"I don't want to make you any promises."

"Y/n. Promise me you won't die.?"

"Maybe me dying will just be the beginning." She smiled a bit. This was one of the things I loved about her. She always found a way to make things better. She always saw a bigger purpose.

I smiled slightly. But a sad smile. "Not for me y/n. I love you." I said crying with the last words.

"I've loved you so long Newt."

"Please don't leave me, we'll get out of here together. Have a life, you and me." I couldn't be strong anymore.

"I'm sorry."

"No, no, no, no." I choked on my words as I grabbed her shaking arm. Her eyes began to close. Her whole body shaking slightly as her wounds still bled.

"No! Please! Please y/n!" I viciously cried and cried as I held her in my arms. I rocked her back and forth like it could maybe, just maybe bring her back.

Medjacks had been by her side the whole time, trying to help. The love of my life-dead. No, it can't be true.

I can't do this.

I can't.

She can't be gone.

She's all I had.

She's all I wanted.

She was the only reason I smiled in this stupid place.

Oh god, if you're out there.
Please let me take her place.
Take me.
Let her stay here.
Let her live.

Your POV
Do you believe in miracles? I do.

I smiled and turned to Minho and Thomas and walked away as silent tears slipped from my eyes. I always loved looking at pictures of Newt.

Thank you.

I love you now, and forever.

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