The video.

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Your POV:

I was laying in his bed snuggling into his covers. He was gone. Newt was gone.

Newt and I had been dating for 4 years. 4. Yeah we had ups and downs, who doesn't? 4 years, he was 17, and I was 16. We'd dated since I was 12 and he was 13. He was my first love. And I was his. The bound with your first love is crazy. In a good way.

I let out sobs not caring who heard. I had been at his house a lot since he was taken by wicked. I'd actually been sleeping over there. My mom was never home, she was usually at some bar doing shit with some guy. I was used to it. So, I stayed with Newt's family, his mom, Whitney, his dad, Henry, and his little sister, Nya. They treated me like family, which I guess I was.

I heard the door open then close then tiny feet walking over to my boyfriends bed. It was Nya.

"Y-Y/N? I have something.. You might want t-to see it, it says it's for y-you." Nya stuttered a lot. She hated seeing me cry. Especially over something that breaks her just as much as it breaks me.

"Oh.. W-Where'd you find i-it?" I asked slowly turning towards her and wiping my tears.

"In the attack, it's one of Newt's old boxes, it says 'My B-Beautiful Y/N' on the top. I'll just leave it h-here." Nya hugged me quickly then set the box down on the bed and walked out of the room. I sat up looking at the box. It was a pretty big box. I slowly ran my fingers across it. After about a minute I finally began peeling off the lid.

My eyes widened when I saw dozens of photos in the box. The pictures weren't just any pictures, they were pictures of Newt and I. The first few pictures were of us back when we started dating, 12 and 13 year old Y/N and Newt. We were so cute. There were some of us hugging and holding hands. Then one of him kissing me. I could tell his best friend, Minho had taken the picture. He was always third wheeling. That's when I remembered this day.


Newt and I were sitting on the swings holding hands after school. Minho had been talking to Newt for weeks about kissing me. And not like our usual peck kisses, a real kiss. Both of our first kisses. I wanted it so bad. And I knew he did too.

Everyone older than us would joke around cause we were young and were in a relationship. But, our relationship wasn't a dumb kid relationship. It was real.

"Hey Y/N I have a question," Newt said squeezing me hand tighter.

"Okay, go ahead," I said smiling and looking at my amazing boyfriend.

"Uhm, can I-I kiss you?" He said  looking at the grass beneath us. "Like a real kiss?"

"You finally ask!" I smiled hugely.

He got off his swing still holding onto my hand. He came in front of me and caressed my cheek with the back of his hand. He came closer hovering above me and leaned in. His soft lips met mine.

-Flashback Over-

My thought concluded and I realized I had been crying. I wiped my tears and continued digging through the pictures. There were so many. I saw the years pass by. I came across a picture I didn't even know existed. It was a picture of Newt and I cuddling in bed. I know what your thinking, yes we were naked. The blankets covered enough of our bodies where you weren't blinded by nudity. I remember this day too.


"Y/N?" Newt asked running his fingers through my hair. We had just taken a big step in our relationship. Frickle Frackle.

"Yes Newt?" I responded cuddling deeper into his bare chest.

"I love you, you know that right?" Newt said looking down at me.

"I know, I'm in love with you too Newt." I said back.

I know what your thinking again, how old are we if we just had sex? Well to answer your question, I was 15 and he was 16. And yes we were protected. Since my mom was always out with some guy she didn't care what I did, but I was responsible and had been on birth control for a while at that point. And yes, we still used a condom.

"AWH LOOK AT THE LOVE BIRDS CUDDLING AFTER THEY FINALLY HAD SEX!!" Minho yelled from the door even though no one else was around except for Newt's dog.

"MINHO GET OUT!" Newt yelled covering me and grabbing a pillow and tossing it at him hitting him in the face.

-Flashback Over-

We didn't even hear or see him take the picture. Damn it Minho. Minho had been taken by wicked also. The two people I cared so much about were both gone. I once again wiped the tears from my face. That's was a good day.  Then all the great nights and mornings I had with Newt flashed through my mind. And once again tears had covered my face. All I wanted was him back.

I wiped my tears again and continued going through the photos. After all the photos were spread out across the bed a a disc in a case was revealed. I picked it up with my shaky fingers and stared at it for a few seconds before getting up and walking to the tv in Newt's room. I took the disc out and slid it into the dvd player and let it load before starting it. I sat back onto the bed, my eyes glossy and glued to the tv. The tv flashed words across the screen reading, "My baby girl, this is a video I made for you. I love you Princess. Never forget that." Then I saw my wonderful boyfriend sitting on his bed in the same spot I was. His eyes were red and puffy but I could tell he was trying to be strong. He started talking:

"My Y/N,
I don't know when you'll find this. I hid the box in the attack cause I didn't want anyone to find it but you. Which I guess was pretty dumb since you have your own house, but oh well.
Y/N. I love you baby. I'm sorry this is happening. I don't know why it has to happen. I wish you were coming with me. Who knows what could happen when I'm gone? I won't be able to protect you, and I'm so sorry for that. It hurts me so much to know that I'll be leaving my favorite person.
It hurts more the fact that I don't know if I'll come back. I wish we had more time love. So much bloody more time. I know it hurts baby. Just stay strong for me, okay? I can't think of you crying everyday.
I want you to move on Y/N, find a guy who'll treat you like I did. Fall in love beautiful. Be happy. Let me go. I know it's hard but you need to Princess. Please just be happy baby.
I'll see you again one day. I promise. I love you so much.
Goodbye for now Sunshine, stay safe please my Love.
I love you."
The tv went black and I couldn't move. My jeans and bottom half of my shirt were drenched in tears. And so was my face and end of my hair. He was gone. He was really gone.

"I love you too." I whispered laying down on my back on his bed. "I can't move on baby. I can't. Not from you. I love you. I can't ever get over you."

My favorite person had been taken away from me. I couldn't even be Y/N anymore without him. He made me who I am. So I guess I'm not me. I'm just Y/N/N. But honestly I don't even deserve my nickname. It was made my Minho, and he's gone too. They. Are. Gone.


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