The Dreadful Discovery

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Hello again. I decided to give you another chapter this week because I didn't write anything last week. Just been busy. I am in TaeKwonDo and going to be belt testing this week. That is what I've been doing. I 've got a lot of plans for this story and am happy to post them in this chapter. If you like it, please review, vote, and share it with friends!


September 10th 2150

Walking home was a disaster for Amara. Especially with a heavy robot on her back. She felt like she was going to break it. It was dangerous enough that she was walking with a freaking robot on her back but, in the daylight! That was insanity and Amara knew that much. The only emotion that Amara was feeling, though was pride. Simply pride.

Ever since Amara got her catch as she called it, Amara was one step closer to exacting her revenge. She was going to dissect this robot like an evil scientist. It sounded creepy in theory, but Amara knew that she had to do this. The robot had been shut down so why not?

Amara needed answers, though. Who wanted to kill humans so badly? Why did they want to? They needed damn good answers to those questions if they wanted to be alive.

Amara managed to get home without breaking her back. She managed to open the door with her bad arm and put the robot down on the couch in the living room. Wanting to get the first aid kit as soon as possible. Putting pressure on the wound, which hurt super bad according to her, wrapping the wound with gauze as she moaned. Sighing in relief, Amara went back to the couch to pick up the robot.

She heard mysterious moans as she picked up the robot. Muttering to herself, she picked up the robot and went down to the basement. Hurrying to put the robot on the lab table, she put the robot carefully. Starting to look around for tools, she managed to find a screwdriver. tweezers, and some extra screws.

"Finally. I am going to look for some answers." Amara whispered happily. Turning the robot on his stomach, Amara picked up the screwdriver. And unscrewed the screws on his back. Picking up the part of his back, Amara looked in awe, staring at the complex robot's insides. Seeing everything to look pretty normal.

She knew that robots have been around for a long time, but this robot was super advanced. She saw something she never saw in a robot. A tiny red box with something black on it. Looking for answers, she picked up the thin box then stared carefully at it.

"Emotion program. Designed for robots to think and feel." It said on the red box. Amara found this interesting. She knew that for a while, they were developing this kind of technology. Her dad helped in it. That is the only thing she knew that her dad did. Help in robotics. That was it.

Amara also looked at the out of place black box. Seeing only one sentence on it, though.

"This program is only for defiant robots."

"Wow," Amara said louder than she thought she would. She was usually quiet, but this discovery was amazing to her. So the person who created this robot mind controlled it?

"So not all robots that were created by this "Master" guy are evil? Just mind controlled?" Amara had a lot of questions. Carefully taking the assumed mind controlling device off the emotion program and putting it carefully into the robot, Amare screwed the piece of the robot back to its original place to the point that it looked like it wasn't even touched.

"Now where is that power button? Does it even have one?" Amara looked around for the power button and noticed after a few minutes time, it was on the back of his head under his hair.

"God I hope it won't kill me." Amara prayed before touching the super small button on the back of the robots head...


Yes this was a very short chapter and I am sorry for that, but this was planned. What will happen to Amara when she pushes that button?

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